Monday, August 28, 2023

UN Calls To Burn It All Down?

From the Vlad Tepes Blog:

This has been a very busy week, and an especially busy weekend. I have been out filming events from many sides of the communist revolution that has defined our time, and that few seem to notice for what they are. But a thought occurred on the way home from the last event after filming some of the Ottawa “gay Pride” parade downtown, and that is how interesting it is that the Secretary General of the UN called out that the Earth was now in a state of Global Boiling, in July and less than a week or two later, mysterious fires break out all over the damn world. with even more mysterious rules around them, like evacuating people and not letting them fight the fires, or not letting people leave, or access the areas post hoc, even by drone and so much more unusual and far less in accordance with what has always been the practice for dealing with disasters. Arrests of dozens of people for arson, but little to no coverage of this in the media. 

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