Monday, April 22, 2024

Yale Student Protesters Rip Down US Flag on Campus – Harass Jewish Students – Form Human Chains and Block Them During Protest, Blast “F*ck Israel!” From a Boombox in Their Ears (VIDEO)


Yale Student Protesters Rip Down US Flag on Campus – Harass Jewish Students – Form Human Chains and Block Them During Protest, Blast “F*ck Israel!” From a Boombox in Their Ears (VIDEO)

The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Columbia University President Cancels In-Person Classes as Anti-Israel Protests Escalate and Protesters Chant for Hamas on Campus

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

This, of course, is the best that America's elite universities have to offer.

The issue is not freedom of expression. Universities have handcuffed themselves and given allowances to students based on the wrong frame.