Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cholesterol Crystals in Jabs give us Filaments, Needles, Spirals, then Plates


From Geoff Pain, Phd:

A recent "peer-reviewed" paper from 2 authors in Korea and Japan should have been sent to me for rejection.

Shame on all who have shared the nonsensical microscopy “study” of evaporating Covid19 Jab samples claiming “Self-assembling Artificial Constructions” and other weird descriptors.1

Young Mi Lee describes herself as:

a practicing physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, and is also a reproductive endocrinologist; because of her work over the last three years she has become an expert in stereomicroscopy and in the microbiology of incubated COVID-19 injectables, especially, Pfizer and Moderna

Daniel Broudy describes himself as having:

a doctorate in applied psycholinguistics

and this should ring alarm bells:

His research integrates research in cognitive linguistics, developmental and social psychology, semiotics, and communication theory as an effort to describe the ways in which centers of power organize campaigns of persuasion and engineer consent for policies and actions across cultures.

Here is some real science published 32 years ago.2

Can you guess why Lee and Broudy don’t mention it?

The Figure caption reads:

Figure 2. Representative time-lapse photomicrographs of crystalline cholesterol at days 2-6 by phase contrast (A-E) and video-enhanced (F) light microscopy.

(A) Filaments, a spiral, and a short needle on day 2.

(B and C) Helices on days 3 and 4.

(D and E) Microtubules with helical backbones producing platelike cholesterol crystals on day 5.

(F) A tube producing a platelike crystal of cholesterol monohydrate with a characteristic notched corner on day 6. Scale bars, 10 μm

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