Wednesday, September 04, 2024


Let's discuss Unrealized Gains.

To do this, we will use the case of a theoretical woman named Kumswalla.

Imagine that Kumswalla sucks a cock to get a promotion. There is a time period between the sucking of the cock, and the actual receiving of the promotion - during which anything could happen. She could get the promotion, not get the promotion, get fired for attempting to get a promotion by sucking a cock, or, maybe the CEO might ask her to marry him. Who knows?

During that time period when anything could happen, Kumswalla has "Unrealized Gains."

She sucked a cock, so she thinks she has a gain. But it's anyone's bet.

Our theoretical woman would probably be opposed to being taxed on her Unreaqlized gains, because, instead of enjoying a gain, she could be fired. Right? 

That wouldn't be much of a gain, now would it?

So what would there be to tax?

The cum in her mouth?

I don't know.

This is complicated finance. 

I don't understand it.

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