Saturday, September 07, 2024

The Next Civil War May Start In a Completely Unexpected Way

Armed Venezuelan Gangs Steal Oil, Copper Wire, Assault Workers at Texas Oil Field

Perhaps a Texas Oilman will shoot the first shot of the next Civil War? 


Why do I say this?


Everyone keeps expecting a Grey vs. Blue scenario. Like, the Repubs vs. The Dems.

Not gonna happen. 

Or maybe they expect the "Far Right" vs Antifa.

Oh, come on.

What if it started like this?


Resident: To all Venezuelans in Chicago…if you ain’t on all that bulls**t, stay neutral. If you know someone in that building who’s in on that bullsh**t, don’t let them run in that building. Because once word gets out that that’s the building they in, they’re going to chop that b**ch down…y’all better just stay in the house. So I don’t speak Spanish…but take this with a grain of salt if you like: this ain’t Colorado, this ain’t Utah, this ain’t like none of them places. This is just like where you are from. The only difference is you use a lot of handguns and old revolvers and machetes and sh*t. We got switches. If you’re not familiar with what a switch is, we will show you.

I hope it is apparent why THIS IS A CORE ISSUE.

The Uniparty scum who are running our country, as well as the whole fucking Western World, are trying to replace us legacy citizens with people who don't understand human rights. 

They are not just trying to replace white people. They are replacing black people, Filipinos, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cubans, Eastern Europeans, everyone who came here to escape the torments of the Communist regimes like the one they are trying to set up here.

Sure, it might seem a bit shocking that a black gang member might shoot the first shot of the next Civil War. 

But it really wouldn't be strange at all, because, considering how Black people are treated in the rest of the world, they might just have the most to lose, my friends. 


Anonymous said...

It loads to a different video every single time.

Pastorius said...

Sorry about that. There is a Tweet, with a photo, and a Tik Tok Video. I assume you are saying the Tik Tok video is not of a gang member threatening the Venezuelan gangs. Honestly, i don't know how to loan Tik Tok by grabbing an embed, and I am not going to subscribe to it.