Sometimes Charles at LGF puts it so perfectly that I can do nothing but just lift his post verbatim:
Iranian madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has figured out the secret reason why the West is so opposed to Iran’s nuclear ambitions: because they don’t want him to nuke Israel. Iran’s Ahmadinejad: West opposes our nukes to let Israel live on.
“Our enemies on the one hand oppose our nation’s acquisition of nuclear energy and on the other hand want to divert the attention of other nations from the key issue of Palestine to give an opportunity to the Zionist regime to prolong its existence”, he said.
“One of the main reasons why the big powers oppose Iran on the nuclear issue is for the sake of the Zionist regime, so as to let this regime live on. But they are unaware that not only will the Iranian nation continue in the path of obtaining nuclear energy till the end, it will not even for one instant divert its attention from the issue of Palestine”.
“The regime occupying Qods [Israel] is the key to [Western] countries’ domination in Muslim lands, and with every blow at this occupying regime, it’s the pillars of the Global Arrogance (the West) that are targeted”.
So, this is rock solid confirmation that Iran intends to nuke Israel. There really is no question anymore. The Iranian regime must be destroyed.
Instant Karma's gonna get them, that's for sure.
By the way, I say, if Iran attempts to nuke Israel, the bombs are going to fall on Syria and maybe Jordan.
Ask me why I say that after it has happened.
Sell Iranian glass short, the supply, apparently is going to be plentiful.
Anyone looking for a pool on the first night of Passover being THE night?
Weds April 12th
Angel of death and all that
Ahmadinejad: continue in the path of obtaining nuclear energy till the end
More clarity from this megalomaniac.
Remember a while back when he said that Jews should go to Alaska? Reference to nuclear winter?
Eyes, thanks.
Epa, I wonder if you are right. Interesting spec about Passover. Hmm.
AOW, I think Ahmadinejad prides himself on talking in riddles, so I think you might be right.
Ahmadinejad figured it out! On to plan B!
Now that the big "secret" is out, there is no reason to allow our foreign policy to further the Zionist's nefarious goal of survival. Our charade has been uncovered, the game is up. We must now let Inspector Clouseau wipe Israel from the map as his victory prize. Don't feel bad Israel, it was fun while it lasted ...
Off topic: My nomination for the next Infidel Babes of the... whatever
That is never off topic.
Pastorius and Krshna, I can't believe you two. Never off topic. That's it, I'm posting up Jeff Goldblum at the Hunk. Remember the Fly, Well, before he turned into the fly? And he was mostly naked and so well built...ok, I'm drooling now.....and those intense eyes....Oh, those eyes! What a babe! Oh, that's it, You guys asked for it!
And to think I had a SERIOUS response in mind....
By the way, Krishna, those three chicks look like the three girls I went with before I met my wife. I only went with Jewish chicks before I decided to switch over to the beautiful Polyesian honey I am spending my life with.
It might have been the Jewish chicks that put me on the path I'm on today, however. The memory of the intensity of their love is not something can wipe from one's mind easily.
My response is gratitude and awe.
The Jews are great people and must be protected. People who want to kill them, because they are Jews, must be thwarted.
The world is very sick these days. One of the primary symptoms of our illness is anti-Semitism.
You do what you want. TheInfidel chicks gotta go their own path.
I wouldn't expect you all to be satisfies with Salma, L'il Kim, and now, Aria.
Why would you be?
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