Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hirsi Ali's "I accuse" and George Bush worried about terrorists funding

Hirsi Ali is in Spain, presenting her new book "I accuse". During the presentation she said:
As a Muslim woman, educated in the practice of the Islamic religion, I realized that Islam and terrorism cannot be separated, because they are intimately united,” she said.
You can read more here.
A report published by the Wall Street Journal points out that the drug lords, smugglers and forgers based in that area systematically recur to foreing commercial operations to wash illegal money that is used afterwards by the terrorists organizations that act globally.
More about this, here.


A. Eteraz said...

I'm not saying that mosques and preachers are preaching hate around the world.

should read

I'm not saying that mosques and preachers AREN'T preaching hate around the world. [They are].

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am just linking what she says: I am not going to modify it ;)

And, by the way, I read very often your blog at wordpress.