Sunday, March 05, 2006

New York Times: Just Convert & Get It Over With

Buried in this puff-piece about an Egyptian imam in Brooklyn is this classic NYT dhimmi sentence.
Like many of their faithful, most imams in the United States come from abroad. They are recruited primarily for their knowledge of the Koran and the language in which it was revealed, Arabic.
Written! Written! The Koran is a book and it was written, not revealed. The Koran didn't pre-exist Muhammad. It wasn't found whole and complete like some natural phenomena. Books are written by people.

What a cringing, spineless bunch of turds. The reporters and editors should just convert and get it over with.

You can write the New York Times' Public Editor at You can write the newsroom directly at


Reliapundit said...

YUP: nytimes = dhimmi scum.

the dhimmi times.

von Schlichtningen said...

I tried calling to complain. But got the message, they were all out praying one of their five daily prayers.

Epaminondas said...

Excuse me while I reveal THIS

John Sobieski said...

I wonder how many Muslims they have at the NYT. 50% of staff? 80% of staff? Who knows.

Epaminondas said...

I bet it's very tiny.
Dhimmitudinal mindset. Overcompensating, prejudical cowardice.

Willing to see a reporter jailed to expose a Libby, but not willing to do anything for real freedom of speech, when the risks are real

Kiddo said...

Wow, did they also refer to converts as "reverts"? It's bad enough that Practicing Anthropology's latest issue is devoted to "Palestinian Issues" with a Palestinian guest editor and a piece discussing what the author calls "The Beautiful Resistance" ( for table of contents, only members get the whole publication though, but I have a copy which I may scan to make available to others here--a real disgrace in academia).

Expected on the NYT though.

Always On Watch said...

Some of the major social-studies textbooks use that same term--"revealed." Wahhabist Susan Douglass has some input there, I think.

Always On Watch said...

Excuse me while I reveal THIS


Cubed © said...

Yea, Wraith! You sound like a Mu'tazilite - but they were all knocked off by the "eternalist" Asharites, whose philosophical descendants we all know and love today.

Including the ones at the NYT and in our schools. . .