The odd thing is this: While democracy is weakening at home, the US and the UK have embarked on a foreign policy to try and bring democracy to the Middle East! Make no mistake about it: This policy is destined to fail! Indeed, it is failing before our very eyes. Just take the mayhem in Iraq as a manifestation of this failure. Further, take Iran! There, instead of there being a softening of the régime in that theocratic land, there has been a hardening of their animosity to anything Western, to anything democratic, to anything we consider fair and balanced.
Then we have Syria. What is happening in Syria today is the very opposite of democratic. In that country, people are returning to their Islamic roots, even down to the way that women dress in public. Indeed, many Syrians are touting the idea that their future lies in Shariah law!
The knock-on effect of bringing democracy to Iraq is simply not happening. If anything, it would appear that our attempts to make the Middle East democratic have produced the opposite effect: Attitudes against anything Western, anything democratic, are hardening!
There are a few good reasons why this is so. First and foremost among them is this: Islam and democracy are totally at variance with each other. They are immiscible! Period! Unfortunately, no amount of political spin is going to change this harsh reality.
In Islam, as I have said so many times before, ALL power rests with Allah, and filters down; in a true democracy, ALL power is supposed to rest with the people and filter up. The reality of democracy, of course, is not quite as simple as that for, as we all know, the politicians who lead us so often refuse to listen to the wishes of the electorate after rising to high office. Take the example of Tony Blair taking the British to war against Iraq. Many people were against the idea; but Blair led us to war anyway.
Still, all that having been said, the notion that power in a democracy rests with the electorate still holds true, since even the ‘deafest’ of political leaders has to put himself and his party up for re-election. Pay-back time is never far away!
This is not true for Islam. Islam has never thrown up a true democracy in its almost 1400-year history save, perhaps, for the example of Turkey. But even there ‘democracy’ has had to be held together by the strong arm of the military!
The natural form of government for any country where Islam is the dominant religion is Islamic theocracy, not democracy, since Islam does not, and never will, recognize a separation of the political from the sacred, a separation of mosque and state. Indeed, such a separation is anathema to it! But such a separation is the sine qua non of democracy!
There are many other reasons why the attempt to bring democracy to the Middle East is destined to fail, too. For a democracy to function correctly, the electorate has to be well-educated, and through that sound education, the electorate is supposed to become well-informed in order to make good, solid, sound political judgements. But to be well-informed, it is essential that the electorate be allowed free access to information. Information must not be controlled by government!
The Middle East fails on both these counts. In the Middle East, the level of education is wanting, to say the least. In fact, the rates for illiteracy there are very high indeed. Illiteracy and democracy make very strange bedfellows! How can someone be well-informed if he is illiterate? If a person is not well-informed, then he is not ready to make a well-informed decision at the polls! Moreover, in the Middle East, the people are often denied access to the greatest and most powerful tool for access to information: The Internet.
There are other reasons why it was folly to try and bring democracy to the Middle East; but the reasons already given will suffice for now for the sake of argument.
It is interesting, but very disturbing, to note that whilst the US and the UK have busied themselves trying to bring democracy to the Middle East, they have also been busy trying to curtail our freedoms in our homelands!
Prime Minister Tony Blair, probably more than anyone who held the position in my lifetime, has passed so much legislation banning this, that and the other that he has seriously dented the freedoms of the British. He wants even to curtail freedom of speech and expression to make it a criminal offence to criticize Islam and the prophet of Islam, Muhammad!
Naturally, the reason why he is attempting to pass such a bill is to appease the growing Muslim vote within the UK. In recent years, they have become disaffected because of his insistence on war in Iraq!
It is ironic, isn’t it, that we should be losing our democracy at home at the very time as we are trying to establish their democracy?
As I see it, the story of Western politics ever since 9/11 is a story of failure! Even in the recent response to the fiasco caused by the publication of the cartoons of the prophet, there are signs aplenty that Westerners are losing one of their cherished freedoms: Freedom of expression. Why? Because our Western ‘leaders’ – American, British, European, Australasian - have failed to stand together against the tyranny of Islam. They have failed to re-affirm their commitment to liberty, failed to re-affirm their commitment to freedom of expression, failed to re-affirm the West’s commitment to the very values which underpin our civilization. Dear readers, make no mistake about this: Our leaders have failed us!
But there is one failure which endangers our democracy and our liberty even more. It is should be plain to see. Indeed, it should be as plain as the noses on our faces. Our politicians, with but few exceptions, have failed to see this too, however. …
9/11 was an attack not just on the Americans, but it was an attack on the West in its entirety. President George W Bush’s response to this attack was pathetically weak and appeasing. The day after 9/11, he appeared on TV to make an announcement to the Americans and the world. In front of him was a copy of the Qur’an – a book which had hitherto made no significant contribution either to the US in particular nor to the West in general - along with the Torah and the Bible. He stated that America was not at war with Islam or Muslims, insisting that Muslims were the friends of Americans!
It was at this point that the Neo-Conservative idea of bringing democracy to the Middle East was truly conceived. The great pity is that it didn’t produce a still birth!
The President’s response to 9/11 was weak and appeasing and flawed and destined to fail! Why? The main reason is that he failed to define the enemy. The enemy, of course, is Islam itself. The President tried to say that Al-Qaïda had taken a perfectly good religion – indeed, he called it a ‘religion of love and peace’! – and had twisted it, and had warped it into a religion of hatred.
His whole performance was so flawed, so very flawed. To start with, he showed that he had absolutely no understanding of Islam, no understanding of what motivates Muslims, and no knowledge of what the Qur’an says very clearly about us infidels. No, Mr President! No! Muslims are not our friends! They say so! Indeed, it says so in the Qur’an itself, the book that Muslims hold so dear! And NO again, Mr President! Al-Qaïda has not bastardized the message of Islam. On the contrary, Al-Qaïda takes the message of the Prophet Muhammad and the message of the Qur’an very seriously indeed. Al-Qaïda’s message is the true message of Islam. You had better believe it, Mr President! You, too, Mr Bair! Islam must be recognized for what it is: It is a competing civilization to Western civilization, competing in all respects!
What the President should have said that day is this: We were at war neither with Islam nor with Muslims. That would have been true. But he should have gone on to say that it is abundantly clear the Islam and Muslims are at war with America, and by extension the West. That would also have been true. If he had done this, he would surely have been able to galvanize the West in its entirety, for it was plain to see that 9/11 was not just an attack on America, but an attack on liberal democracy. If he had done this, he would have unified the West at a stroke! Furthermore, he would have displayed true leadership.
All further policies should have stemmed from the simple fact that Islam was at war with the West.
Very unfortunately, this was not done; so the ridiculous concept of ‘Islamism’ was born – an idea conceived to let Muslims off the hook, and to let our leaders off the hook, too. This way, they could start to wage their ‘War on Terror’. This war is one which is destined to go on and on and on. The terror they refer to is actually the Jihad in action. The jihad, or holy war, is the tool used by Muslims worldwide to bring Islam to the rest of what Muslims consider the ‘chaotic, jahiliyyic, un-Islamized regions of the world. We should note, and with urgency, that the jihad in history has been employed with great success wherever it has been waged.
Our leaders steadfastly refuse to accept this simple fact. Mssrs Bush and Blair, please start listening to the people, and please, please, please grow a spine! Accept the inevitable, accept what will sometime have to be accepted if the West is to survive, namely that the Islamic world is at war with the West and all its values. You cannot, you simply cannot, duck out of this one, for to do so is a dereliction of your duties. Your first duty is to protect the very system that brought you into office – democracy; and in doing so, protect the people who entrusted you with the power you have over them. Till now, you have failed your electorates! Till now, you have failed to identify the enemy! Till now, you have therefore failed to do anything meaningful to stop the jihad, to stop the Islamization of the West!
You are failing to protect democracy! You are therefore failing the people!
©Mark Alexander
Thank you! Yes, we have to be suspicious of Muslims, because it is difficult to tell good one from a bad one, excpet by the length of his beard! :-(
Sorry for those typos! I clicked on the wrong button by mistake!
I think the people are ahead of the politicians and pundits on this issue. Despite the taboo against printing or saying anything critical on Islam, people are figuring out the truth. It would be far better if there were articulate leadership so we could have a public debate on the best course of action. But with charges of bigotry at the very mention of a problem, we’ll be making mistakes for some time to come.
Educating the public is a slow process. But we’re playing a part.
But with charges of bigotry at the very mention of a problem, we’ll be making mistakes for some time to come.
Educating the public is a slow process. But we’re playing a part.
Right on! We're having to fight this war with our hands tied firmly behind our backs.
Yes, I agree thta it is a slow process to educate the general public. I also agree that we are playing a part in doing this. The problem is that we have, in Britain, the BBC which, as you know, is doing its level best to put a positive spin on all things Islamic and Muslim. Alas, there are millions of British people who consider the BBC the 'gold standard' for news. "If they say it, then it must be right!" Educating such people is no small task!
I would phrase this whole argument differently than you. However, I think you are basically correct.
I would say that we are at war with Muslims who believe in Sharia, Jihad, the subjugation of women, and the stoning of adulterers, apostates and homosexuals.
In short, we are at war with Islamofascism.
From there, it is up to each individual Muslim to define himself as a moderate, or an Islamofascist.
I believe that neither Bush, nor Blair, are nearly as stupid as you think they are. They know who the enemy is.
War is a matter of both brute force and diplomacy. You know that during the Cuban Missile Crisis, for instance, one of our concerns was allowing the Soviet Union to find their way out of the corner into which they had backed themselves.
Likewise, in our current war against Islamofascism, we must either vow to go to war against 1.2 billion people, or we must allow them to find their way out of the mess which they have created.
In this war, our military is the motivating force which will induce the mutation of Islam into an ideology devoid of Sharia (as it is currently defined), Jihad, etc.
That's how I see it. But, as I said, I think you are basically correct, and I think your voice is important.
Pastorius, I certainly understand and agree with your analysis of the situation that obtained in the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Unfortunately, it seems to me that this situation is not analogous. Muslims show no interest in "getting out of the mess which they have created." Rather, it appears to me that they would be content --- yea, delighted --- to destroy us no matter what the cost to themselves. They give no evidence of wanting to build civilization up and the record of history shows that this is how they have dealt with their enemies for 1400 years. I wish I could agree with you as it would be so comforting.
I would say that we are at war with Muslims who believe in Sharia, Jihad, the subjugation of women, and the stoning of adulterers, apostates and homosexuals.
ALL Muslims, proper Muslims, believe in Shariah law, Jihad, the subjugation of women, the stoning of adulterers (especially adultresses), apostates, and homosexuals. THAT is the problem. It says these things in the Qur'an, and the Qur'an has to be taken literally - always!
In short, we are at war with Islamofascism.
Actually we are at war with Islam, since no such distinction exists in Islam between Islam, Islamism, Islamofascism, fundamentalist Islam, etc. I remember a Muslim boss I worked for once went to great, great pains to explain this to me. He said: "There is no such thing as 'fundamenalist Islam'!"
From there, it is up to each individual Muslim to define himself as a moderate, or an Islamofascist.
It's not going to happen. "Moderate Muslim" is, in itself, an oxymoron!
I believe that neither Bush, nor Blair, are nearly as stupid as you think they are. They know who the enemy is.
They sure do behave in a strange way then! Bush, this side of the Atlantic, is trying his best to allow the enemy to buy up those ports. Blair, the other side of the Atlantic, is trying his best to limit the free speech of the British, so as not to allow them to criticize Islam and the Prophet Muhammad!
War is a matter of both brute force and diplomacy. You know that during the Cuban Missile Crisis, for instance, one of our concerns was allowing the Soviet Union to find their way out of the corner into which they had backed themselves.
I don't think the two situations can be compared. To start with, when we were dealing with communists, we were dealing with cool, rational people. When we deal with Muslims, we are dealing with people who are anything but cool and rational!
Likewise, in our current war against Islamofascism, we must either vow to go to war against 1.2 billion people, or we must allow them to find their way out of the mess which they have created.
I am not necessarily advocating that we should necessarily go to war with 1.2 billion people. But I am advocating that measures need to be taken to stop the Islamization of the West, whatever those steps we need to take are. Our survival MUST come before economic considerations. Furthermore, I believe that they will never find their way out of the mess they have created. NEVER!
In this war, our military is the motivating force which will induce the mutation of Islam into an ideology devoid of Sharia (as it is currently defined), Jihad, etc.
Islam will NEVER mutate. It hasn't mutated in nearly 1400 years. Wat makes us think that we can get it to mutate now? And what is the evidence that we can achieve this? It all seems like wishful thinking to me! No military, with the best will in the world, can bring this about.
That's how I see it. But, as I said, I think you are basically correct, and I think your voice is important.
Thank you!
US Iconoclastic Patriot:
... it seems to me that this situation is not analogous.
I agree with you wholeheartedly!
I must admit that I agree. I have been very critical of the whole "neo-con" ideas of spreading democracy, and I think that the situation in Europe and the UK are unacceptable. If it keeps up the non-muslim citizens will leave. The people are trapped between their government and the muslims in many cases. The situation is unacceptable. And those trying and who have tried to change this situation there have not generally been succesful.
The Bush/Kerry election here was a lesser-of-two evils type of situation as far as I'm concerned. This is all very disturbing to me, seeing as I am an old-fashioned Conservative and a Hamiltonian to boot. I do not entirely disagree with WFB jr's recent comments for which he was promptly skewered.
I dont think Muslims have the numbers in most western countries to do too much damage at the moment.
However, because they have double the amount of children, they will soon have an army to do jihad in maybe 15 years time.
The reason the moderates arent speaking out is because when the jihad does eventuate, the powers that be will know who they are.
And because this will happen in the west internally, there will be no more places left for dissenters to run to for asylum.
The only protection western countries have, is not to let them in to begin with.
Its all very well saying that we all want to help the oppressed and do good in the world.
But just remember the saying, that the opppressed can become your oppressor.
I am in agreement with Unaha.
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