Friday, March 10, 2006

Pim Fortuyn's Response to 9/11

This is a translation that still needs the kinks hammered out of it, but due to interest in Pim that has been expressed I have decided to post it as is for now. This was written the day after 9/11 and this translation is by

12-09-2001 All United Behind the Americans

It is not really time for subtle reactions. We must stand as one behind the American people. The people who have fought so bravely for our freedom in the past. They did not wonder how the Europeans could have messed up so much in the 30’ties. They just got here and fought for our freedom.

After yesterdays’ terror we can not do any different than show our solidarity. Jointly in immense sorrow and the bewilderment we will soon have to strike back in appropriate retaliatory measure. That retaliation should represent our norms and values at the highest level. Our western constitutional state in all its articulations will have to state our case.

Moreover, we cannot escape from putting up the barriers to carry out and protect the norms and values of our Western and modern world. A cold war to Islam, the largest threat to world peace, is inevitable. A cold war which we will have to conduct within our own societies.

It must be clear that these terror attacks could never have been possible without the collaboration of vital staff on the airports, from where these suicide planes have left. We are talking about people who are totally bedazzled by their religion and for whom their own lives do not count. Not to mention the lives of other, innocent people. After their "heroic" actions and dead, these distorted spirits will acquire martyrdom and enter paradise with all those willing virgins.

This type of idiocy deserves a massive ideological control. That is the most important task that will await us in the next coming years and will be necessary for all of us living in and wanting to maintain our western way of life. We have to make clear what we stand for, to anyone who lives and works here. We have to make clear what we loathe from depths of our hearts and minds. Only then we are able-bodied, but can we either hold back the weak amongst us from collaboration, to this kind of disgusting actions. Only then we may count on attentive airport staff e.d. that will swiftly intervene in all circumstances.

Resistance is not only in weapons and Intelligence Services, but more specific in a vigilant society that is aware of threats to our way of living and everything that menaces our beliefs. That is what we have learned in a very hard way from this awkward tragedy. It’s time to leave “cultural relativism" and the “get away with us” mentality. We have to leave indifference and our dreadful “hedonism”.

Pim Fortuyn,
Rotterdam, 12 september 2001


John Sobieski said...

....the “get away with us” mentality..

That doesn't sound quite right. Maybe 'not our concern'?

Dag said...

Bread and circuses.

What do we think we'll get when the light dawns?

It's past time to get highly militant. It's certainly time to get organised. Those who won't, well, good-bye to you. Stand aside and shut up.

We're not helpless, and we have no business relying on others to do our work for us. Those who won't live their own lives hardly deserve them. However that might be, no one has the right to take them. Those who are afraid should go away and hide. They should stand aside to make way for homosexuals like Pim Foruyne and others like the little girls in Indonesia who fought back against the gang of men who overpowered them and cut off their heads.

Honestly, what are people thinking?

Kiddo said...

John, I've not done my work on this one really....this was just by my translating partner. But as a reaction to 9/11 as well as the "cold war" comments I felt it appropriate to post at the moment.

Hopefully the book deal will go through and Pim's books will be in the US in English very soon!

Kiddo said...

Besides, look at that face! How can you resist that face? Damn me, I'm in love with a dead gay Dutch man. Oh well, what else is new!! Haha!!

Kiddo said...

modified, very interesting comment. I am currently translating the column "Extreem Links", but it is slow going. Any suggestions on any of this would be appreciated if you would like to contact me!