Friday, March 17, 2006

Takfir ahead for US Muslims...??

TALLINN, Estonia, March 16 (UPI) -- "American" Islam, a religion whose followers resemble "a Weberian society of atomized individuals given over to consumerism," is increasingly posing a challenge in Russia to "true Islam," a faith based on the norms of Sharia law and authentic Muslim ideas, according to a Muslim commentator in Moscow.

In an essay posted on the Internet portal Wednesday, Fatima Anastasiya Yezhova, an ethnic Russian convert to Islam, provides a detailed discussion of the differences between these two Islams and why the "American" one has been gaining ground among Russia's Muslims.

Those who 'have the word' cannot tolerate reason and using one's mind to find 'the way'


A. Eteraz said...

BRING IT!!!!!!


Epaminondas said...

Hey dude...stand by to repel all boarders.. the legions of those who surrender the brain to the immutable as defined by 'other' are the number one hit other places.

And CAIR, and the 100's of millions to billions spent by the Wahab in-laws to establish their imams and 'literature' (hardly distinguishable in many instances from that of Stormfront or the KKK) make them a force here.