Every week, enemies of the State of Israel assemble in front of the Israeli consulate to protest what they call the "occupation" and to call for the end of the Hebrew State.
B'nai Brith of Montreal organizes a counter rally, across the street.
So, if you believe in Israel, if you feel Jews should be able to live in peace in Quebec, please join us every Friday, from noon to one, corner Peel and Rene-Levesque in Montreal.
How encouraging is it, that after a lifetime of being bombarded with the steadiest of steady streams of jew-hatred and anti-Israel rhetoric, from the provincial government, the mainstream culture as well as the mainstream media, there are still people living in Quebec whose wisdom can tower over the wall of lies, who have clung to the truth, AND who are ready to be seen doing so.
Now that some have come forward, in public, how many others who hold the truth in their hearts, will feel emboldened to do so as well?
If they're establishing themselves at the busy intersection of Peel Street and Rene-Levesque Boulevard, that's a very public presence indeed.
It's cause-and-effect, isn't it: for the solution we need, we must act to bring it to light. We can't sit around waiting for miracles, we must act to bring the miracle to life. Our belief in the righteousness of this cause is the source of our faith in the merits of victory. Our faith in victory is the incentive for our actions, and our actionswill be the trigger to bring about the change we pray for.

Damn I feel like driving up there !
Vive le Quebec libre!
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