When a human being has no choice in whether to go to school or not, whom to marry, what to wear, whether to go outside, whether to drive or not, whether to pursue a vocation, what religion to follow;
when a human being has no choice in the fundamental decisions of their life, then that human being is a slave.
A slave, absolutely.
The burqa is the chains of Islamic slavery.
The burqa is a portable concentration camp for women.
A large number of Muslim women wear the hijab not because of sincere beliefs but out of fear and serious social pressures and not from their free will.
This is especially true for the young second or third generation immigrant Muslim women. From a young age many are made to wear the hijab and they’re expected to adhere to it throughout their lives. I know many girls who lead double lives…wearing the hijab in front of their parents and removing it when away from their family’s scrutiny.
These girls fear their families. If their religious integrity becomes questionable, they run the risk of being kidnapped and being kept against their will in their parents’ country of birth. This is especially common in the Somali community of Britain.
Most, if not all, of Somali girls born and raised in Britain still undergo female circumcision. This is done under the nose of the authorities. Usually, the girls are taken abroad for the operation.
How can we liberate women in the East, if we continue to fail those living in our Western societies?
It would be great if you would post an article on these experiences and observations of yours, when you get the time.
Most of us infidels just read about this stuff. You have lived it.
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