Monday, August 07, 2006

Anti-Semitism On The Rise In Holland

Ynet news reports that anti-Semitism has increased dramatically since the start of the current crisis in the Middle-East.

I heard about this before. Anti-Semitism isn't the only kind of hatred on the rise: homophobia seems to be on the rise as well.

This is becoming a real problem here. Spokesman of my political party, Hans van Baalen of the VVD, rightfully said:
“It is time to act strongly against anti-Semitism. We are fooling ourselves if we think that anti-Semitism disappeared along with the Nazis.”

This is what our approach of being tolerant towards intolerance is bringing us. It's absolutely ridiculous. We all know that the cause of this are immigrants from the Middle-East (and their children). It's just not politically correct to say it.


Jason Pappas said...

"This is what our approach of being tolerant towards intolerance is bringing us."

That’s it exactly.

Kiddo said...

Maybe they'll even let little Volkert and Bouyari out to join in on the fun.