Thursday, August 10, 2006

British "tolerance" towards militant Islam makes it difficult to prevent terror attacks

Threats by "militant" Muslims in London
demonstration protesting Mohammed
cartoons-- while police looked on

Polls show that the British have amongst the most "tolerant" attitude towards Islamic extremism of most European countries...and, therefore, its really hard to take effective, pre-emptive measures vs. terrorism in Great Britain. Yet, ironically, many British Muslims are amongst the most radical in Europe. So far the British have been relatively lucky-- but can their luck hold out?

Links to related articles and videos are here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Airplane bomb plot. British MP says the Joooooz are to blame:

Muslim MP Shahid Malik (Dewsbury), a member of the Commons home affairs select committee, said: .... "The action of Israel and the inaction of the West is contributing to the difficult task of tackling extremism."