Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Cheese eating......., what was it again?

France Wavers On Its Role In Lebanon

UNITED NATIONS — While the United Nations is pushing for French troops to form the "backbone" of an international force in Lebanon, Paris is "cautious"about sending its military to help Lebanon's army take control of the south and disarm Hezbollah, Turtle Bay and French officials said yesterday.

Israel's foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, is scheduled to fly to New York today to urge a quick formation of a U.N. force to deploy to southern Lebanon as the Israeli military withdraws from the area. The force should comprise up to 15,000 troops, as called for in U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701.

Facing a new, militant tone from Damascus and Tehran — as well as a Beirut government that is too weak to confront the strengthened Hezbollah — several countries are hesitant about sending soldiers. None had pledged any troops as of yesterday.
A French official who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record said that, contrary to previous reports, President Chirac has yet to make a decision on sending any French troops to Lebanon.

Mais, c'est dangereux, mes amis, non?

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