Monday, August 14, 2006

Is there nothing else left?

In Britain today Muslims ‘suggest’ that Tony Blair ‘adjust’ the national goals and foreign affairs so that other angry Muslims won’t take matters into their own hands, and act as if what they suggested was not outright functional blackmail.
Now though, even in PC run England we see an ex police chief, and, far more unbelievable, the Guardian explain back TO the Muslims that the problem is theirs. And it is.
The same day, Muslims here are arrested with thousands of prepaid phones engaged in :
a) Gathering detonators for mass murder for religious reasons
b) Gathering untraceable communications devices for mass murder for religious reasons
c) Gathering stock for entrepreneurial purposes?
Significantly, these same people were held for not only gathering these phones, but also for scouting the Mackinac Bridge, shortly to be the sight of 60,000 walkers for terrorist purposes. On that day, CAIR and others ‘suggested’ President Bush avoid the connotation of ‘Islamofascist terrorists’ so as not to stigmatize Muslims in the USA.
This all occurs against the background of the war , begun with a Hizballah cross border attack, killing and capturing IDF soldiers, then attacking the civilians in Israel with rockets, 6 years after Israel abandoned Lebanon, and months after abandoning Gaza.
samir kuntar.jpg
We see this in the context of a UN tilted towards the forces of Hizballah, filled with a breathtaking anti semitic racism, and the isolation nationally of English speaking democracies, and one other, Israel. All of which, of course was to free a man who shot a 4 year old girl’s daddy in front of her on a peaceful Shabat, so that it would be the last thing she would see in her life, and then, grabbing her by her ankles, smashed in her skull. The hero of Hezballah, and the icon of resistance to the party of some other god, their dean of prisoners, Samir Kuntar representative on earth of a satan, if one exists.

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Epaminondas said...

"The only people bringing war to Arabia are the Americans"

Saddam was no american, - 1991, OC
Saddam was no american -1988, OC

Americans have REACTED to the war there which btw has been extant since ~619 (just ask the folks in Taif in 1804, or Najaf in the 7th century) - just as we did in 1941, and 1917. The war starts, we end up there.

Teh EU HAS all the resources to be effective in this way, but not only lacks the polticial will, disagrees with the entire idea (which is the source of that problem).

GB was in the front line and managed not to get its ass kicked, simply by deciding NOT to give in, in fact was a snarling saviour in engaging FDR in an engagement which saved ALL our asses.

The French decided to GIVE UP. Period. From 1870 onwards, they have been less than successful, or worse, dreamed of the success of austerlitz but armed with the fortitude and 'nuance' of Talleyrand.

War is for the sons of bitches, not the 'sophisticated'

Pastorius said...

Epa, I agree with your quote, but I'm not sure Orange Cross is that sophisticated either.

Let's draft him.
