Saturday, August 19, 2006

Muslims Be Warned: We Will Give You A Beating Worse Than Any Allah Has Given You Thus Far

I have often said that it is inevitable that the West will win this war. The question is will we wake up in time to win by gently subduing our enemies, or will we wait until it is too late, until Iran has nuclear weapons, until Iran uses nuclear weapons?

Considering the pathetic medieval state of the Muslim world, the constant humiliations, and the relentless killing of each other - in a magnitude far beyond their meagre successes at killing the infidel - it is clear that there is no one who torments and abuses Muslims more than Allah himself.

However, let us be clear Muslims, if you don't cease with this Jihad, the Muslim world will be subjected to a beating unlike anything even the evil Allah has not yet inficted upon you.

Hugh Fitgerald of Jihad Watch is saying the same thing in his own way:

What if that plot to blow up airliners had not been detected well in advance, but had succeeded? What then? What would have followed? Other than stricter security measures at airports, what punishment would have been meted out to Muslims, to their interests, to the Umma -- a collective punishment as in modern warfare punishments always are, so that it would be far less likely to happen again? What exactly would the Western world, would the United States, would Great Britain, would France, would Germany, would all the countries of the Western world have done?

Would they have bombed several of the entry points into Mecca, so as to limit access to it, and threatened to steadily bomb others, until such time as only one narrow road led in and out -- a far better step, because deliberately incremental, than destroying Mecca or the Ka'ba itself, the Magic Wonderstone often confused with the meteorite which it contains within? Would they have promptly seized the assets of Saudis and other rich Arabs, declaring these to be the assets of enemy aliens, whose property was seized during World War II -- or would that first require legislation? Would they do something, as obviously they should, to damage the interests of Muslims living within the Bilad al-kufr, the Lands of the Infidels, deep behind what Muslims themselves are taught to regard as enemy lines?

One wishes to know. Surely Muslims should know that these things are now being talked about, and that they cannot continue to assume that no matter what happens, their position in the Western world is safe, that the Western peoples will continue to exhibit the extraordinary forbearance that they have exhibited? Does one forget how the United States, which in the late 1930s had the 18th largest army in the world, roused itself, in a vision almost like Milton's "methinks I see a puissant power," and churned out tens of thousands of planes and tanks, many of them sent to the Soviet Union as part of a non-returnable Lend-Lease, and to the United Kingdom, and then entered the war? And within two years of entering the war American bombers were taking part in raids on Berlin and bombing German cities, and then Japanese cities.

The Arabs and Muslims do not really comprehend what warfare is. They have lost only to tiny Israel, a country determined not to use its full armory, and so far very solicitous of the enemy -- partly because of that supposedly impressive but actually maddening doctrine of "purity of arms" (which gets them no points outside of Israel, none). Israel has never been permitted by the outside world, or by its own scruples, to inflict the kind of damage that the rest of the Western world can and will inflict, and not only militarily.

The plotters in England, or in a hundred other places, do not know this. No one has told them that there will be consequences. No one has told them that this can and will by many be treated as an act of war, an act of war by all those who participate in, or support financially or morally or demographically, the Jihad. This has to be discussed.


Yasmin said...


If the planes were to strike their targets, the UK government would do what it has done in the past…stress that these acts were carried out by extremists who are not representatives of Islam. The enemy no longer needs to attack from far; they have willing soldiers living amongst us.

What get on my nerves is the denial, endless fudging and constant wailing of Muslims that somehow it is everyone else's problem and that they are somehow the main victims. When will the Muslim community accept that Islamic terrorism is their problem?

Epaminondas said...

No one can deny that there are a growing number of polticians on both sides of teh Atlantic who are naming the root causes.

What is still missing are the statements regarding solutions.

It is my judgement we will not be morally empowered as a nation to do what is inevitable until something truly horrible happens.

It is my judgement that we will kill 50-100 million people before it is all done.

Pastorius said...

I think Hugh Fitzgerald overestimates our resolve in thinking we would have responded strongly to the recent terror attacks that we stopped.

However, I think it doesn't matter much what Britain does. It matters what the United States does. And, we have more of a hair trigger than the UK.

Eventually, the dumb Jihadis are going to go a bit too far, and that's when the beating is going to come down.

And, it will be like D. Woodward describes.

As he says, we have fought an enemy like the Muslims before. The Japanese also believed their mission had cosmic meaning. they were willing to kill themselves to win. They were willing to lose millions of their people.

But, they weren't willing to lose it all.

I don't think anyone is.

Although, I may be wrong.

Pastorius said...

Your comment is very astute. I don't know another word for it.

I hadn't thought about it that way, but I think you are absolutely correct.

Pastorius said...

I agree with you. The numbers will likely be that bad, or maybe even worse.

It would, of course, be better if we would start fighting now. At this stage of the game we may be able to head off such destruction. But, we are, as Kris says, taken up with the pain of our self-loathing.

And, somehow Europe is ignorant of its own history.

Muslims have been invading Europe and trying to destroy its civilization for 1300 years. Nothing good has ever come from the meeting of the European and Islamic worlds.

And yet, Europe has decided to invite the Muslim world in to live in their home.

It is ironic that Europe speaks of America's ignorance of history. I am inclined to agree with them. Largely, we are ignorant of history. However, there is a difference between knowing a lot of historical facts, and understanding the narrative thread of history. The latter takes wisdom. And Americans generally have that.

Anonymous said...

Will we respond pretty much the same way we did to 9-11?

• Display shock
• Display an out pouring of mourning
• Find out why the perpetuators hate us (with CAIR supplying us with the reasons)
• Call for a memorial
• Get bids on the memorial
• Go back to sleep.

But I doubt the above response in such a case. And that case maybe soon upon us.

What if a dirty bomb or nuclear device is detonated in one or more of our major cities killing or maiming hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens?

What would be the response of the public? Respond as in the six steps mentioned above? Or demand the government ‘Go Roman’? Retaliate. On anyone. On anyone that even smells of a possible perpetrator or supporter of the attack, locally, nationally and internationally. Would we again accept the rationale that the attackers were stand alone crazies who have hijacked a religion, or accept the alternative – that we were attacked by terrorist proxies of an Islamic state that intends to foist that religion on the world?

How would we respond?

I believe that the public will demand a massive retaliation against the enemy they believe to be true. And as the growing distrust of things Islamic grows in the free world, no government would be able to survive if it refuses to exact blood for blood in such an attack.

ziontruth said...

Epaminondas said:

"No one can deny that there are a growing number of polticians on both sides of teh Atlantic who are naming the root causes."

And WC said:

"I believe that the public will demand a massive retaliation against the enemy they believe to be true."

I have to respectfully disagree on both quotes, as I think they frame our problem, what's incapacitating us right now and probably will for quite a long time to come, in a wrong way.

Root causes are being named, in fact have been for a long time. Retaliation, or reaction in any way necessary, to the enemy believed to be true has been demanded for a long time, and is being demanded as we speak.

The problem: the non-Muslims are not united as to the view of what those root causes are, and do not share beliefs as to who the true enemy is.

Remember Charles Lindbergh? He viewed FDR as a far greater threat to world peace than Hitler. There are numerous Lindberghs right now in the non-Muslim world, mostly on the Left. They don't stop talking about "root causes"--but they say those root causes are American imperialism, Zionist colonialism, capitalistic globalization and the Marxist narrative of class struggles. They believe the enemy to be the purveyors of those things: the American neo-cons, the Israelis, capitalist exploiters of the non-Western world, yada yada.

My punching bag suffers every time I let my mind grapple with the question, "WHAT will it take the Leftists to abandon the narrative of Islamic resistance to Western oppression in favor of the narrative of Islamic aggression and imperialism?" That question drives me crazy, and I'm forced to contemplate it every time there's a terrorist attack, foiled or not, and then those voices from the Left carry out their predictable mantra of, "It's because of our foreign policy". Insufferable, and enough to drive a person to Sartresque despair. That I don't reach that state is because I hold on to G-d's promises written in His books.

Anonymous said...


I'm afraid that wishing the far left apologist and peacnicks will change their opinion wil not happen.

When such a devastating attack comes, they will only say we brought it upon ourselves. Such was the response of a very close friend of mine who I thought would see the world as I did after 9-11. He didn't the very day after. It was a kneejerk liberal left, california, bay area response.

I wonder if anyone knows of a resoucre that contains info on the peacnicks response to Pearl Harbor and if and how they dismissed the reason to go to war with Jpan. I have a sneaky suspiscion that they did exist.

Anonymous said...


I'm afraid that wishing the far left apologist and peacnicks will change their opinion wil not happen.

When such a devastating attack comes, they will only say we brought it upon ourselves. Such was the response of a very close friend of mine who I thought would see the world as I did after 9-11. He didn't the very day after. It was a kneejerk liberal left, california, bay area response.

I wonder if anyone knows of a resoucre that contains info on the peacnicks response to Pearl Harbor and if and how they dismissed the reason to go to war with Jpan. I have a sneaky suspiscion that they did exist.

ziontruth said...


If they won't change, then at the very least they must be dislodged from their entrenched positions of high, exclusive influence on policymaking and the media. Blogs are a start, but they're not enough.

Anonymous said...

ZionistYoungster - Agreed.