Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Arab Pride

Living in the U. A. E. isn’t much fun. You can either look at “the beautiful sand all around you” or you can go to the clubs and go out with the prostitutes. Well I’m not into the latter and I don’t appreciate the former, for some weird reason! Anyway, what I do is go around, talk to people, and observe their behavior toward the non-Muslims and stuff like that.

I used to have long hair, a more of a Pakistani look—when I used to talk to Arabs, they would have this attitude toward me like I am some kind of a slave who is begging them for mercy. But that attitude has changed since I cut my hair short. Now I look more like an Arab (a fact that I don’t really appreciate) and the attitude of the Arabs has totally changed.

Read the rest over at Pedestrian Infidel.


ziontruth said...

All you who know my writings, I'm going to surprise you a bit (at least at first glance), but...

I don't support sentiments against Arabs.

I don't hate Arabs. I have no problem with Arabs. I have nothing against Arab culture (I mean the arts).

I have a problem with Muslims. With Islam. With a religion, not a race, not an ethnicity.

If you're an Arab Christian, I have no problems with you (unless you're a dhimmi cooperating with the Muslims). If you're, on the other hand, an Indonesian Muslim, I do.

Granted, the post is about the UAE, which is a Muslim country, but still. It's not about Arabs. Arabs aren't even the majority of Muslims. Just compare Walid Phares (Christian Arab) to Adam Gadahn (American convert to Islam) and you get the whole idea what this is all about.

Anonymous said...


ziontruth said...

Avenging Apostate,

I read that whole post. As for your past posts, I read some of them, of course not all, because life is only so long to keep up with everything.

You were referring only to Muslim Arabs, I understand that. In fact, I inferred that right away, at the first reading. But see, I had to infer it--it isn't explicit. Anyone reading the post in isolation, having stumbling on it through a search engine, for example, might not make that inference. That's the problem.

It's not a matter of political correctness, it's a matter of focus. There's enough of that "criticism of Islam is racism" canard going on already. It can easily be countered by pointing out that Islam is not a race, but not if you use "Arabs" (indisputably a race) when you mean "Muslims".

That was just advice. A blog owner does as he pleases.

Isaac Schrödinger said...

Here's a post I wrote last year about my experience in Saudi Arabia:

The Holy Land of Racism.

ziontruth said...

Avenging Apostate, Isaac,

Thank you. I just read Isaac's post, and I get it now. You aimed to show how the vaunted "Islam is a religion of equality, free of racism" line doesn't stand up to reality, to the reality of the supremacism of Arab Muslims over non-Arab Muslims. That makes my point moot.

Where I was coming from: a few years ago I read an article on a website that pushes for secularism in the Islamic world. It was quite good for most of it, up to one part that said the Arabic language is inferior for expressing complex philosophical thoughts. Now, I don't know what merit there is to such a statement, as I haven't researched it; but I didn't like reading it, because I thought (and still do now, as mistakenly regarding Avenging Apostate's post) that value-judgments regarding Arab culture are unhelpful to the cause of combating the threat of the Islamic religion. They both take non-Muslims' focus away from that cause, and fuel the Muslims' accusation that criticism of Islam is racism.

My mistake, and I'm glad it's all cleared up now.