Sunday, September 03, 2006

Those Who Forget Even Their Personal History


This memory-sustained analogy seems to work so well—kept the Left up and running for over 40 years. But there is a hole in that memory, for anyone who has ever been a victim of school bullying knows that bullies cannot be kept at bay, much less reformed into good children, by flower power.


From recent events: Iran’s Ahmadinejad (shr"y) sticks his tongue at every deadline the UN sets him, and the UN, in turn, just sets a new deadline, and invites him to more talks, negotiations, incentive packages and the like. When the UN is really, really angry, it pulls out all its big guns and whips Iran with a… strongly-worded resolution. This is truly the modern, 1960’s-influenced classroom writ large, politically, globally.


It is not necessarily the case that the cries of “oppression” and “injustice” on the Muslims’ part are fake; they may well be real, out of the heart, yet, like the cries of the school bully upon being prevented from beating up other kids, are not something that civilized society should shed tears about. They truly speak about “oppression”, which means resistance to Islamic rule over the whole world, and truly strive for “peace”, which means the cessation of all such resistance, just as the bully’s idea of “peace” is all the kids complying to his demands, giving him their lunch money on demand, and so on.

In full on Our Children Are The Guarantors »

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good analogy. Thanks!

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