Sunday, September 17, 2006

From the House of Family Jihad

I knew all along that the decision that I have made—converting to Christianity from Islam—would have undesirable consequences. I knew the path I chose wasn’t a walk in the park. But I guess I, somehow, managed to deny this truth for quite awhile. Somewhere in my mind, I thought I was living in a perfect world, that somehow (however illogical it might sound to those who know about my situation) it was all going to be alright.

Recently, I found out how wrong I really was. I had my fears realized and that realization for me has been earth-shaking and profound. The world has taken on different, frightening dimensions, and I don’t think it will ever be the same.

Sometime last month, my parents and I were sitting at our dinner table here in Dubai, discussing the war between Israel and Lebanon which had just recently been concluded in a ceasefire. My father, as usual, declared his opposition to the “Israeli barbarity” and that he knew that “Israel wants to wipe the Muslims off the face of the earth”. Discussions at my house are always like this and this was nothing new or different.

However, the conversation this time took a different path.

Read the rest at Pedestrian Infidel.

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