Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Right to Deny the Right of Return

For a state that is accused of “ethnic cleansing”, Israel is pretty multi-ethnic and multi-religious, with Jews, Circassians from the Caucasus, Arabs of three religions—Muslims, Christians and Druzes—and Bedouins of African origin, who are still regarded by the other Bedouins in the country, Muslims ostensibly free of the “Western vice of racism”, as inferior, as slaves even though they have been freedmen for so long. The “Jewish ethnostate”, if its detractors’ libels against it were true, would not have those people as citizens. But the truth, of course, is that only those Arabs fled the country in 1947–9 who listened to the orders of their leaders to do so, just as Nasrallah called the Arab residents of the north of Israel to do in the recent Lebanon War.


If a black Christian from Ghana immigrates to that North European country and learns its language and gets a job there and raises children, whether with a woman from his country of origin or through marriage of a native woman, upon the values of the host country, he is as good a citizen as a native is, a positive contributor to his host country like everyone else, an inseparable part of its fabric. Whoever opposes such an immigrant cannot have any reason other than that he does not look the same as the natives—that is, not blond and blue-eyed. And that is unarguably racism, no way to spin that.

In contrast, there are those who immigrate to that country but do not learn its language, live off its welfare system and take all steps against adapting the values of their host country, and against their children doing the same. Unwillingness to assimilate is not the problem in and of itself; after all, my forefathers for two millennia did just that. But the Jews of the Diaspora never tried to contradict, let alone change, the systems of their host countries (contrary to the anti-Semites’ accusations to that effect), while the Muslim immigrants do (in broad daylight, by which the Left is blinded). The Muslim communities in Europe are already a law unto themselves, apart from the law of their host countries, and as their demographic clout gets greater, their law will be the law for their hosts as well. Thus, the politician who opposes their immigration opposes not a foreign skin color but an alien political system antithetical to his own. The first politician wants the proverbial fishbowl to contain only goldfish, while the second does not mind there being other fish except for piranhas, since those do not play well with the others.


With a heavy heart I say this truth: this coming World War will spell the end of the moral pontifications of people at ease, to be replaced by confrontation of brutal realities, demanding brutal choices, accusations of “racism” be damned. Europe can still cry a bleeding heart in favor of the humanity of multiculturalism, but in the future she will have to deport the carriers within her of an alien political ideology or die the death of subsumption into the Caliphate; and Israel will have to make the anti-Zionists everywhere understand that the Jewish right of self-governance, after 2,000 years of lack thereof, is non-negotiable. The future will not be nice, but such are the wages of continued tolerance toward those who do not deserve it. Those who cannot control themselves at the sight of a few cartoons or at the sound of some centuries-old words should not expect our patience to be infinite.

In full on Our Children Are The Guarantors »


A Free Man said...

Just a quick point:

"If a black Christian from Ghana immigrates to that North European country and learns its language and gets a job there and raises children, whether with a woman from his country of origin or through marriage of a native woman, upon the values of the host country, he is as good a citizen as a native is"

Even if this were true, I personally do not want half of Africa in Europe. Ethnicity and race Do have a lot to do with nationality and culture.

Ghanaians and other Africans have a very different outlook on life, their values are very different, to replace us with them would not mean a survival of a 'North European Nation' but it's extinction

"a positive contributor to his host country like everyone else, an inseparable part of its fabric.

Again, no, they are very seperable!

"Whoever opposes such an immigrant cannot have any reason other than that he does not look the same as the natives—that is, not blond and blue-eyed. And that is unarguably racism, no way to spin that."

Well, most people in my country have brown hair or black hair with a few rusty blonds thrown in, but I get your point. However I would disagree, this is about community and the sense of something shared, you can't throw random races or cultures together hoping that something good will come of it, this has been tried and has failed the World over.

It is not because of the look of someone that they are unacceptable, it is that they have no roots in that place, they have no loyalty, to that place or the people. They have no natural affinity to this place.

Now this would be of little import if there were only a few African immigrants, there were apparently 30,000 Blacks living in London in 1750, they have obviously integrated and disapeared into the local stock.

What we see today is not a few integratable immigrants but millions of migrants and millions of illegal migrants.

Many have lied there way into this country and continue to lie for a living. They have formed their own 'ghettos' in various parts of many cities, turning them into filthy pits.

There comes a point when an immigrant community becomes too large, it no longer needs to integrate, they have their shops, Newspapers, TV Stations, breeding partners, jobs, colleges all subsidised by the host state.

This is what has happened to the Ghanaian and Nigerian communities in London, they are seperate from the rest of us. Voluntary Apartheid one might say!

Africans are not a danger like the Islamic threat we see every day, however, to allow different communities to grow within the host community is a longer term danger and will not go away by wishing it away or by any amount of 'Diversity Awarness'

Basically, what I am saying, is, I agree with your point that it is our values that make us, and it is our values that are most important, however I also beleive from years of first hand experience that race and ethnicity are esential also to understanding our history and values, that to randomly replace us with an outsider is not the same as having a native with those values, it can never be.

Sorry this took longer then I thought!

ziontruth said...

A Free Man,

I believe the reason for those Ghanaians and Nigerians living in separate communities in London is self-nihilism, that is, the host country not teaching, not even knowing, its heritage any more. I submit that if Britain took steps to educate them on British heritage, they wouldn't have any problem with it. The Muslims, in contrast, would have a big problem with it, because the British heritage is, for them, a man-made tradition that contradicts a divine religion that is to dominate and not to be dominated.

Immigrants are nearly always rootless. Their children, however, aren't, unless they choose to be through received acculturation, like British Muslim kids inhaling a dose of their old-time religion and then realizing their host country is foreign to them.

I admit my perspective on this whole thing may be tainted by the situation in Israel: you have there blond, European Jews and black, African Jews marrying. Many races, but one ethnicity. And on the other hand, the light (i.e. brown) Bedouins keep strict apartheid from the black (descendants of African slaves) Bedouins, despite the shared ethnicity and even the same (supposedly "anti-racist") religion.

At any rate, I think the problem of ethnic/racial integration can be deferred 'til the existential threat of Islamic immigration has been dealt with. A matter of priority.

Pastorius said...

Integration works in America. We call it the melting pot. It works.

I am married to a first-generation immigrant. She is completely assimilated. She loves America, and understands it, even better than I do, in many ways.