Monday, September 04, 2006

“Military power can gain us time… but that is about it.”

If there is a 'playable' great game, then
Genl Abzaid has the rules down, and governments are peripheral.

In a fabulous article in the WSJ of 9/2, an outline of Abizaid's strategy for the long war is elaborated.

Basically it is this....the US military should be prepared for a time of 1865-1910 and the american west, and not just the Argonne-Meuse, Tarawa and Huertgen Forest battles of nation state armies.

Among other things, this kind of strategy revolves around an entirely different budget structure. For instance in Yemen several projects along the lines of social services (building schools and clinics - viewed cynically locally, btw) cost $600,000. The money was layed out by US Central Command - the military budget - but IMHO is foreign aid.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wherever they grow strong enough they will threaten us with terrorism and anarchy. Here are some more Bunglawala-style threats of violence in response to grievances and resentments. But this time it's in Oz rather than Britain:

"WITH increasing frequency, there are shrill cries of outrage from self-described leaders in Australia's Islamic community about aspects of our culture or government policy with which they violently disagree.

Now the chairman of the Government's Islamic advisory committee has threatened more Cronulla-style riots unless John Howard retracts some remarks he has made. "
