Sunday, September 03, 2006

White Extremists Use Terror Videos To Threaten Muslims

File this one under the category of the Great European Civil War.

As I have been saying, if the governments of the West don't begin to do something to convince us that they really understand the threat we are under, then the people of the West will begin to take matters into their own hands.

From the Times of London:

FAR-RIGHT extremists have adopted the tactics of Islamic jihadists by posting videos on the internet in which they threaten to behead British Muslims.

The films show balaclava-clad white British men brandishing guns, knives and clubs, calling on all Muslims to leave the United Kingdom or be killed.

One appears to be a soldier who has served in the Gulf.

In one film a man tells Muslims to “go home” or risk being burnt alive. He threatens: “I’ll cut your head off,” and claims to have “comrades” across Britain who have “had enough”.

The videos have all been made since the arrest three weeks ago of suspects connected to the alleged plot to blow up transatlantic jets. Their style mimics the “martyrdom videos” of Islamic radicals talking about their plans for terrorist outrages against the West.

The release of the videos on YouTube, an American-based open-access website, coincides with reports of a rise in the number of attacks on mosques.

Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said the videoed threats were extremely worrying.

“There is no question there has been an increase in attacks on mosques and Muslims,” he said.
The videos, posted between August 11 and 19, depict three men, each wearing a black terrorist-style mask. All have been viewed hundreds of times by people browsing YouTube, a popular website for posting and watching home videos.

Would-be viewers of the far-right clips, each lasting two to three minutes, are informed in a YouTube warning that the videos “may contain content that is inappropriate for some users”. Users are also required to state they are over 18, although there can be no verification of this.
In one video a man with a London accent says: “I wish to know what we are going to do to fight the so-called religion of peace known as Islam.”

He lists incidents including the racially motivated murder of Ross Parker, a white teenager, on September 21, 2001, by an Asian gang. The alleged airline bomb plot is also mentioned, with the masked man claiming it has resulted in “no retaliation” against Muslims.

He says: “It may be because you fear prison. Well, wake up. I am calling on England, Ulster, Scotland and Wales to stand and defend the island that we love.”

Another video, dated August 19, shows a balaclava-clad man with a Welsh accent telling Muslims to “go home” or be burnt. Brandishing a foot-long hunting knife with a serrated blade he says: “We are going to rip the life out of you. I am going to tear your guts out. I’ll cut your head off. You come over here, you bomb us, disgrace us, you spit on our heritage, you want the Union Jack banned, you want your own flag flying over parliament . .. it ain’t gonna happen.”

In a reference that may indicate he has a military background, he says the slaughter would remind him of being “back in the Gulf”.

I love how the Times of London have no problem with telling us the people featured in these videos are "white."

Why aren't they "youths." Or, why aren't they grouped into their larger racial genus, as they do with Middle Easterners when they refer to them as "Asians"?

The media continues to play this dumb game. Yesterday, the Associated Press called Adam Gadahn (who was featured in a "call to Islam" video with Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri) as an "activist."

It is exactly crap like that coming from the mouths of authorities that is convincing people that we are leaderless.

UPDATE I - Revere Rides Again comments:

... it shows what the pacifists, appeasers, primitivists, negotiationists, Bush-hate obsessives, Bush Administration it's-a-religion-of-peaceniks, multiculturalists, congential ostriches, and other Islamofascist favorites have led us to by their abdication of their responsibility to mount and support a defense of our culture: Great Britain's first line of defense is the equivalent of a soccer mob.

UPDATE II - Anonymous comments:

The Times article is interesting in the fact that the publisher of Searchlight is concerned that YouTube is hosting this sort of stuff - where is the outrage about the muslims threatening much worse, which is also widely available on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

The "is the enemy of my enemy my friend" conundrum rears its ugly head. At this point my way of looking at it is, if someone offers to stand between me and a charging herd of rabid wild boars (that's pigs to you ummah folks), do I ask questions about his political affiliations before accepting his help? In ordinary circumstances I would flinch from being associated with most of the people making these videos, but this is not ordinary circumstances. This is the equivalent of the earthlings putting aside their differences to fight off the invasion of the slime demons from outer space. We can go back to battling over our differences later, if we are all still standing. However, it shows what the pacifists, appeasers, primitivists, negotiationists, Bush-hate obsessives, Bush Administration it's-a-religion-of-peaceniks, multiculturalists, congential ostriches, and other Islamofascist favorites have led us to by their abdication of their responsibility to mount and support a defense of our culture: Great Britain's first line of defense is the equivalent of a soccer mob.

BTW, kudos to Pipes, Emerson, Spencer and Spencer for having made the Al Quada most-hated list. You can tell a lot about a man by the nature of his enemies, indeed, and that makes these gentlemen top-drawer in my book.

Pastorius said...

Well said. I put a portion of your comment on the front page.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the post above, I'd never in a million years advocate supporting these kind of men, but if they are the people who will protect my son and myself, I will support them.

The Times article is interesting in the fact that the publisher of Searchlight is concerned that YouTube is hosting this sort of stuff - where is the outrage about the muslims threatening much worse, which is also widely available on YouTube

WC said...

Great. What a choice for Europe. Euro-fascism or Islamo-fascism.

The EU pinheads are seeing their little socialist Utopia unraveling at the seams.

Anonymous said...

I am having trouble finding that video on YouTube. Does anyone have the URL or video title? Thanks.


Kiddo said...

YouTube has probably removed them already. They do have guidelines of a sort, though slanted against any anti-jihadis. Unfortunately, much of the Muslim propaganda available on YT is IN ARABIC, and therefore tends to stay up as the fairly small "YouTube Team" seems not to be able to evaluate it even if reported. Many users there have chosen to "flag" some of the clearly more inciteful videos in Arabic, even if we can't understand all of what is said, but understand the general drift of the videos. Yet YT isn't as able to latch onto non-English language videos for removal, though the English language ones are always fair game (or with English subtitles).

Pastorius said...

I'm with you, WC. I've been predicting this since March 2004 when I started CUANAS. It's ridiculous. This descent into madness could be avoided if our leaders would just do something about the friggin' problem.

The mob solution is not a good idea.

Problem is, the mob would gradually coalesce into a political party, and that will be a very ugly thing. Political parties of mobs can be elected democratically, but the ideology they will represent is one of fascism.

Pastorius said...

I have no idea where that video is, and I wouldn't put it up here if I did. I don't support this kind of thing, but I have to voice the warning.

If all we do is read the story and then "tsk tsk" over it then we will learn nothing.

We need to examine the root causes of such behavior. And, there may or may not be racism involved, but we can also be sure there is a lot of frustration with our governments. If that frustration is not articulated and turned into demands and votes and new political action, then, it will just turn into mob-based fascism, and some fascist leader will use it to get himself elected, and that will lead to some very disgusting scenes around the world.

Myrddin Wen said...

As western leaders have done nothing to combat the rise of islamism in post-christian era countries, they are in fact currently done all they can to bring in to being an islamic european union and the member states thereof. This is the action of a Traitor and a Subversive. If the British Government will not stamp on the jihadis there are others who will.

Anonymous said...

The problem with some of these extreme right wing racists is they see all 'Asians' as enemies. But this is far from the case. Check out this interview with a brave and patriotic British Sikh warning his countryment of the dangers of Mohammedanism:

Anonymous said...

This backlash is inevitable and critical if the West is to survive. Where are all the good British lads who get so violent over soccer games? They should use all that testosterone to save their country! Or soon the only thing soccer fields will be used for are executions of women and "infidels".

Pastorius said...

Rachel and Myrddin Wen, I love hearing your perspecitves. Thanks.

Thanks for leaving that.

Anonymous said...

Rachel - this IS them. There hasnt been any violence at football matches since the early 80s. Theyve clearly been saving it up for something special.

Hey Pastorius...'I love how the Times of London have no problem with telling us the people featured in these videos are "white." Why aren't they "youths." Or, why aren't they grouped into their larger racial genus, as they do with Middle Easterners when they refer to them as "Asians"?'...

Glad you spotted this use of language. They also call the muslims in head chopping videos 'radicals' and these guys right wing 'extremists'. The language throughout demonstrates the mess the msm is in in trying to tread carefully.

The British government, in particular Blair, has been VERY vocal in highlighting Islam as the issue (remember Blairs speech which influenced Bushs). Its the rest of the Left that influences the cossetting effect - by that i mean the MSM and the so called moderate muslim voicepieces that are allowed to be way too vocal.

Anonymous said...

I dont think these are any old 'right wing' racists ROP, in this video case - they refered to Islam as the 'so called religion of peace'. I dont think any old 'bigot' would do this.

Pastorius said...

Yep, I like Blair. He gets it, but much of the rest of his party and the British government do not get it.

Hey, that sounds like the same predicament Bush is in.

Anonymous said...

According to Tony Blair "The most remarkable thing about reading the Koran - in so far as it can be truly translated from the original Arabic - is to understand how progressive it is. I speak with great diffidence and humility as a member of another faith. I am not qualified to make any judgements. But as an outsider, the Koran strikes me as a reforming book, trying to return Judaism and Christianity to their origins, rather as reformers attempted with the Christian Church centuries later. It is inclusive. It extols science and knowledge and abhors superstition. It is practical and way ahead of its time in attitudes to marriage, women and governance.

Under its guidance, the spread of Islam and its dominance over previously Christian or pagan lands was breathtaking. Over centuries it founded an Empire, leading the world in discovery, art and culture. The standard bearers of tolerance in the early Middle Ages were far more likely to be found in Muslim lands than in Christian." The whole speech can be read or watched at

Myrddin Wen said...

Except for the followers of the false moon god death cult - fuck them.

Cerridwen is the one true Moon Goddess, I bathe in her blessed enchantment and become connected to the Old Majick of our Ancient Land.


Oscar in Kansas said...

The videos may have been removed (they are very hard to find). But that would seem strange since YouTube has many other overtly racist UK videos and many that, by their titles at least, seem to be anti-Pakistani. Plus there is so much vile crap on YouTube I'm not sure how they would pick out these two or three videos.

Without seeing them I am unable to pass judgment. The descriptions and quotes could easily be fabricated or slanted to fit the "evil white racist" storyline, which the media, especially the British media, loves so much.

In any case, if these videos in fact exist, they are almost certainly the work of punks blowing off steam without any real intention of harming anyone.

As for the claim that mosque attacks are up, I would need much more than the claim of the "chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission" before I'll believe it. Which mosques? Where? When? How?

This whole story stinks, especially one week before 9/11.

Myrddin Wen said...

The quran may well have been 'reformist' ... in the 6th century. The Gospels were reformist 500 years earlier.

Princess Tony did not read the quran, an islamic apologist 'explained' it to him. He has however read George Orwell's 1984 and is currently using it as a step-by-step guide to government.

Let me try it - 'Islam is the religion of perpetual wednesdays and cuddly bunnies'. er, no.


Pastorius said...

Myrddin Wen,
I don't care what color the person is who is standing next to fighting against the Islamofascists either.

But, I don't want to fight with racists, because I'll be honest, I think they are going to turn on the Jews as well. That's the history. When things go wrong, blame the Jews.

Thus, I am very wary of this kind of stuff. However, I agree with Thomas the Wraith that it is likely that the media is just using their evil white man template again.

We've been painted with that one here at IBA which is funny because we've got people from all over the friggin' globe blogging with us.

Pastorius said...

I forgot that Tony Blair had said that. I do remember now. That's very bizarre, considering how clear he sounds most of the time.

Anonymous said...

I do notice that at least one of them refrained from attacking race or anything else but actions: "You come over here, you bomb us, you disgrace us, you spit on our heritage, you want to tear down the Union Jack, you want to fly your own flag over parliament..." He's got at least that much right. Flagrantly racist attacks, ironically, are often aimed at relatively innocuous and or bogus complaints -- the persecution of the Jews providing numerous examples of both. But it's not all that surprising if some of the less "sophisticated" elements of society manage to identify the heart of the problem way ahead of the intelligensia. For one thing, they're usually not encumbered by Political Correctness and they recognize reality when they see it. It may slide into racism, but what we're seeing now may be more of the unorganized warrior spirit breaking through in these men who have recognized the immediate, physical nature of the danger to themselves and their families and are ready to confront it in kind.

Myrddin, I'd love to use "Hold fast to your sword and embrace the darkness" as a signature line. That so sums up what I've been feeling the past few months.

Pastorious thanks for featuring my comments earlier.

P.S. heads up -- Brigitte Gabriel's book "Because They Hate" is in the stores! It was too soggy here today to do anything else but a bookstore crawl and there it was.

Pastorius said...

Hey, I want to thank you all for your comments. I think they were valuable. I hope that that is clear. I hope you can all understand that I want to guard against the possibility that this site is turned into a haven for racist ideology. I have to be careful.

Anonymous said...

Race has nothing whatever to do with this. It is an ideology that we are fighting, one way of seeing the world pitted against another. Let no one forget that.

Pastorius said...

Revere Rides Again,
A few months back, there were a series of articles in the Boston Herald and some liberal magazine which accused Infidel Bloggers Alliance of being racist.

In a way, I considered that a badge of honor, but in a way, I also know that stuff like that can get out of hand.

Anonymous said...

It's a mistake to sympathise with these thugs (on YouTube). This isn't political correctness - if we were seriously at risk of losing our nation to islamic fundamentalism then I'm sure many of us would actually join up with such groups. But we are NO WHERE NEAR that stage yet. Whenever there is a crisis, the violent psychopaths crawl out of the woodwork pleading for a free-pass for their phoney patriotism.
Don't buy into it - give law and order a chance to gear up to the challenge. We can win this, easy.

Pastorius said...

Let me be clear that I am not sympathizing with these guys. I am saying that they are the future. And, I think that is sad. I think we have passed the point where any of this is going to be fixed in an easy manner. Geopolitical events will have an effect on the eventual localized chaos which I believe will happen in Europe. The fact that America is, apparently, not going to take care of the Iranian nuclear situation means that eventually there will be horrible war between the West and the Islamic world. That will be the precursor to all out civil war in the streets of Europe.

If we would take care of Iran, then we could avoid these inevitabitlites. However, I think we have passed the point of no return.

That's my opinion.