Sunday, September 03, 2006

Carlos Mencia Delivers A Message To All Islamofascists

Carlos Mencia lays it down straight for anyone who thinks they're gonna fuck with the West.


Anonymous said...

This guy is my new hero!!!

Pastorius said...

Mencia also did a great bit one time where he dressed up in a burqa and did a stand up routine which included this joke,

Woman in burqa: "My husband is so fat ..."

Audience: "How fat is he?"

Woman in burqa: "My husband is so fat, it took two bombs to blow him up."

That's a classic. I wish I could find that one on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Rock on.
What's it going to take to get him to convert? I nominate him for the next Prime Minister of Israel: the "That's How We Play the Gaaaame!" Party.

Pastorius said...


I love that idea.

"Mr. Annan, meet Prime Minister Mencia."