Sunday, September 03, 2006

Winds of War: Ten Reasons Why Islam Is Not the Religion of Peace

From The Gathering Storm

Don Feder over at ChronWatch lists the top ten reasons why Islam may not be the religion of peace. He also gives us a good explanation of why the very foundation of Islam itself maybe incompatible with a 21st century civilization and why it will be extremely difficult to be compatible with their religious philosophy.�

Here’s the top ten.

#1 While it’s certainly true that not all Muslims are terrorists, it’s equally true that most terrorists are Muslims.

#2 Muslims don’t play well with other children.� Wherever there’s religious bloodshed anywhere in the world, it’s invariably Muslims versus someone else.� This is not a coincidence?�

#3. For Muslims, violence and threats of violence are always the first resort to any perceived insult or injury. The Muslim violent reaction to the Mohammed cartoons are a good example.�

#4. Islam is virulently anti-Semitic. The Koran says so – it even state sin places to hate Christians as well.�

#5 – Public Opinion in the Muslim World Is Scary. In just one example, in the five years since 9/11, polls of Muslims consistently show that they believe the World Trade Center attack couldn’t possibly have been committed by Arab Muslims.

#6 –Generally, the more Muslim a nation, the more lunatic and dangerous it is. Iran! ‘nuff said.

#7 – When a young Muslim becomes more involved with his religion, his thoughts often stray to suicide bombing. Note the recent SJS –sudden Jihad syndrome – events of the past year of Muslims running down non-beliers with SUVs and shooting at Jews (El Al Airlines in LA) and Jewish community centers.�

#8 – Islam isn’t minority friendly. Islamic states have one of the worst human rights records in the world.�

#9 – Where Have All the Moderate Muslims Gone--Long Time Passing? Like Robert Spencer has said, “There may be moderate Muslims but there is no moderation in Islam.”�

# 10 – Islam is bent on global conquest. This from a ‘moderate’ Islamic organization that has the ear of Western governments around the world. “The Koran … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” – Omar Ahmad, founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)”�

Would make for an interest David Letterman Top Ten – if he had the backbone to list them.

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