All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
The video freezes up a few seconds into it...I wonder if it is posted elsewhere
Left click the YouTube icon on the screen and it will take you directly to the YouTube site to view.
This video is just the greatest. I am so glad to see that someone in the popular media gets it.
Oh My God!That was the best video I have seen since MTV actually played videos.I'm seeing a fu2r guest on the radio show!
Yeah, except that I can not find any contact info for them. Maybe you could try.
Expect this video to be banned as soon as they find it. There's an organized effort to flag all videos critical of Islam :
Exposing CAIR on such a personal level . . .in this visual/audio feast is exceptionally satisfying. Only one thing would improve this video.NO ISLAM = KNOW PEACEKNOW ISLAM = NO PEACE
I sense your feelings, Grant, and you are holding back.How do you really feel about CAIR?
That was me, Epa.I added that at the end of Grant's post, because it is the last line in the video.I hope Grant doesn't mind.
ROP,We'll just all have to keep making videos like that, and keep posting them and posting them and posting them.
oh, well Pasto, you have to get in touch with your inner wahab.Salam, baby
Inch of Allah.
The John Lewis essay referenced at the end of the video -- -- is indeed excellent, but it is not a bolt of genius from nowhere. It is based on Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, and everyone who wants to defeat (militant) Islam needs to read and learn Objectivism ASAP. (Hint: kind, gentle Christianity is not the answer.) Go to to start learning the philosophy that enabled Lewis to write his essay.
Anonymous, we have posted that article here before. It is a good article.
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The video freezes up a few seconds into it...I wonder if it is posted elsewhere
Left click the YouTube icon on the screen and it will take you directly to the YouTube site to view.
This video is just the greatest. I am so glad to see that someone in the popular media gets it.
Oh My God!
That was the best video I have seen since MTV actually played videos.
I'm seeing a fu2r guest on the radio show!
Yeah, except that I can not find any contact info for them. Maybe you could try.
Expect this video to be banned as soon as they find it. There's an organized effort to flag all videos critical of Islam :
Exposing CAIR on such a personal level . . .in this visual/audio feast is exceptionally satisfying.
Only one thing would improve this video.
I sense your feelings, Grant, and you are holding back.
How do you really feel about CAIR?
That was me, Epa.
I added that at the end of Grant's post, because it is the last line in the video.
I hope Grant doesn't mind.
We'll just all have to keep making videos like that, and keep posting them and posting them and posting them.
oh, well Pasto, you have to get in touch with your inner wahab.
Salam, baby
Inch of Allah.
The John Lewis essay referenced at the end of the video -- -- is indeed excellent, but it is not a bolt of genius from nowhere. It is based on Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, and everyone who wants to defeat (militant) Islam needs to read and learn Objectivism ASAP. (Hint: kind, gentle Christianity is not the answer.) Go to to start learning the philosophy that enabled Lewis to write his essay.
Anonymous, we have posted that article here before. It is a good article.
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