Monday, January 08, 2007

Ending the Dialogue Dialie

At last, we have a pope who is doing his job.

This made the headlines today in the Swiss- and, to a lesser extent, in the Austrian media. Let's hope Germany will follow soon:
Papst will Auseinandersetzung mit Religionsführern
Rom - Papst Benedikt XVI. hat während seiner Messe zum Fest der Erscheinung des Herrn die Führer anderer Religionen aufgefordert, sich mit Jesus Christus auseinanderzusetzen. (ht/sda)

Er lade sie dazu ein, an das «Licht von Christus» heranzutreten, der gekommen sei, um die religiöse Geschichte der Zivilisationen «zu vervollständigen, nicht abzuschaffen», sagte der Kirchenvater während seiner Predigt im Petersdom.

Die Anbetung von Jesus Christus durch die Heiligen Drei Könige verglich Benedikt mit den «drei konstitutiven Dimensionen der modernen Menschheit: Politik, Wissenschaft und Religion», die alle das «Licht von Christus» benötigten.

Nach dem Gottesdienst sprach der Papst vom Fenster seines Büros am Petersplatz vor tausenden Gläubigen das Angelus-Gebet.


Pope striving for examination (of Christianity) by religious leaders
Rome - During mass, celebrating Epiphany, Pope Benedict XVI has asked the leaders of other religions to embark on an examination of Jesus Christ. (ht/sda)

He invites them to approach the "light of Christ" who went into being to "complete" the religious history of civilisation, "not to dismiss it", the church father said in his sermon at St Peter's Cathedral.

Benedict compared The Adoration of the Magi with the "three constitutive dimensions of modern mankind: politics, science and religion", which all three need "the light of Christ".

After the service the pope prayed Angelus for thousands of worshippers from the window of his office at St Peter's Square.

Read the rest at Roncesvalles.


Anonymous said...

i not understand the meaning of dialie here. for me it is a credit card processing company. could you explain me that?

Anonymous said...

you can look on the website : Dialie
and tell me more about your choice of the word dialie?