Tuesday, January 09, 2007

France: Largest Anti-Jew Rally Since The Vichy Days?

No Pasaran is reporting the "largest anti-Jew rally since Vichy France."

I can't read French. If you can, will you translate this for us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reserved for the guests of Dieudonné For His "Liquidation" spectacle at the Paris Zenith, the VIP enclosure on Sunday evening resembled a reunion of the political bureau of the National Front.

Bruno Gollnisch, the number two of the extreme right party, arrived escorted by Marc Georges, ex militant Frontist in the Val d'Oise and former Dieudonné campaign director, and Frédéric Chatillon, former leader of the Paris Union Defence Group and close to the humourist. He sat down not far from Roland Dumas, Mitterrand's ex-minister. The wife of the leader, Jany le Pen, accompanied by Jean-Michel Dubois, organiser of the large National Front events, installed herself in the space reserved for personalities not far from Allain Soral and Thierry Meyssan. This latter, formerly champion of the anti N. F. fight via the Voltaire network, exchanged several words with Gollnisch. Other N. F. functionaries such as Eric Lorio, spouses of Marine le Pen, Eric Pinel and Farid Smahi, also invited, took their places in the room.

"There are things which do not make me laugh. There are also things which make me sick, such as billionaire philosopher B-H Lévy", attacked Dieudonné, to the hoots of a complicit audience. He made ironic comments about his title of "first ass hole of France. I beat J-M Le Pen in the final." Then he jibed the presenter "Arthur, the TV billionaire. Arthur Sebag, I know his name, so I am giving it". More cheering. Then he played a journalist becoming servile at the mention of the name of Roger Cukierman, the president of the Representative Council of Jewish institutions in France. "You have a cold? Will make a 52 minute reportage, we'll do a telethon. Action stations! We will entitle it 'anti-Semitic microbes and attack Paris'." the crowd applauded when he spoke of "the hierarchy of victims". He constructed an imaginary dialogue with the revisionist Robert Faurisson, present at the Zenith. "Never return! I am trying to go up again in showbiz. You say foolish things. You are in Isra... You are in France." Gollnisch, judged for having held revisionist ideas, found the "spectacle funny. It ridiculed the mechanisms of demonisation which function in our society, which yet still believes itself to be free."