Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hezbollah Inside America: FOX News Tells All in Documentary

Looks like the Brits are passing the anti-jihad documentary baton to us.

(FOX News) Does any terrorist organization pose a greater threat to Americans than Al Qaeda?

The shocking answer to that question unfolds this Saturday, January 20th, at 8 p.m. EST, as FOX News Channel presents a breakthrough documentary, “Smokescreen: Hezbollah Inside America.”

While Americans are still largely focused on Al Qaeda and Usama bin Laden — who’s presumably rotting away in some cave — the terrorist group Hezbollah has been setting up shop right here in America’s heartland. And most Americans don’t know a thing about it. But we should [k]no[w] more about Hezbollah — a lot more.

As tensions with Iran are increasing, it’s important to keep in mind that Hezbollah is largely funded by Iran and has operated as its tool in terror operations around the world. As former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte recently reminded us: “Hezbollah’s self-confidence and hostility toward the U.S. as a supporter of Israel could cause the group to increase its contingency planning against U.S. interests.”

More here.


Cubed © said...

I cannot begin to say how gratifying it is to see more attention being paid to this issue. Hezbollah has been around for a very long time in South America, along the Tri-border region between Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. There, they initially made alliances with the drug gangs, and came across our unprotected border with Mexico to set up shop all across the country. Now, as a sort of "Stage II," with the friendship between Ahmadinejad and Chavez, Evo and Ortega, the relationship has become more formalized and focused.

We are in a pincer action, from within and from without, and we do nothing to protect ourselves. Paul Sperry's book "Infiltration" does the best job of describing just how severe the problem is.

I have little hope that the present administration will take the blinders off - although the activity of our carriers within easy striking distance of Iran et al. do pique my interest. I've reached the point where I almost don't care whether appropriate action is taken because Our Leader has finally seen the light and is acting in a principled manner, or whether he is just trying to do a last minute salvage operation on his "legacy."

Of course, the engraved invitation to the Islamic aggressors still exists in the form of a non-existent border with Mexico, about which he remains silent, all the while sending border patrol agents to jail for long terms for the crime of doing their jobs.

If the next act of terror happens at the hands of someone who came across our border, Our Leader can forget his legacy - it's toast. I just hope we aren't. Toast, that is.

Cubed © said...

PS - Tom Tancredo has thrown his hat into the ring ( and formed an exploratory committee. He first gained international fame when he was asked during a radio interview how he would respond if the Islamic aggressors used nuclear weapons on us; he responded by saying that in circumstances like that, nothing would be off the table. Tancredo seems to "get it" re: Islam, and he's famous for his desire to secure the border.

Another site you might be interested in is Citgo is a Venezuelan company, essentially owned by Chavez. The disgrace is that the DoD has a contract with Citgo to run until 2009 to supply many bases, so just as with the Islamic aggressors, we are paying our enemies to attack us. When asked by veterans, the DoD said they could not break the contract. Instead, the "Citgo" signs were removed from base gasoline stations, and in our case, replaced with "NEX" (Navy Exchange) signs. Apparently, upon finding that Citgo was owned by Chavez, many members refused to buy on base, and the sign was changed (but the contract was not) to boost sagging sales.

Some of you have a particular interest in the whitewash job that Islam is getting in our schools; you might be interested in the site ("Citizens for Truth in Education") made up of people who are trying to remedy that situation.

Anonymous said...

I hope that before any of these terrorists are arrested permission is obtained from the local Muslim community, like the police do in Britanistan:

"A British-born terror suspect was on the run last night after breaking his control order and evading police by taking shelter in a mosque......Police sources say that the man failed to show up at a local police station to surrender his passport. He was traced to a nearby mosque, where community leaders say he had sought sanctuary. Police rarely enter a mosque: they began discussions with both local community figures and leading officials connected to the mosque.
It is understood that while these talks were taking place, the young suspect was helped to escape through a back entrance while officers from Greater Manchester Police were stationed outside."


Willys said...

Can you tell the difference between an arab and a mexican? On the border? At midnite? With nite vision goggles?