Tuesday, January 16, 2007

War between Arabs is threatening Berlin

Via Eurabia (translated by The Editrix at www.editrixoffice.com).

Berlin - It is about absolute power in the red light districts. It is about drug-dealing, about the monopoly for crime. In Berlin is another bloody war between the Arab clans looming, so says a confidential police paper. And the first attempted murder happened already.

More here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain to me what the hell is the matter with Dinesh D'Souza? He has written a book ("The Enemy at Home") that purports to blame the whole jihadist hoo-hah on the cultural influence of the American left. I'm all for bashing the Left, so I thumbed through it today and my jaw hit the floor. It seems Mr. D'Souza's main objection to the Left is that they have given all these fine, upstanding, morally circumspect Moderate Muslims offense by not approving of policies such as the death penalty for adultery and apostasy, confession or the witness of four men required for conviction for rape, and other such "reassuringly effective" means of maintaining order that "traditional" people the world over pine for.

That's traditional as in government by "village elders" and the prevalence of "honor killings", right, Dinesh?

This isn't an attack on the Left, this is an attack on America as an open society which is threatening to those who would impose Shari'a as a means of tightening it up. According to D'Souza, such Muslims believe that while the death penalty for adultery is harsh, it is an effective deterent. To WHAT? Since when is adultery a crime except in the narrow sense of breach of contract?

To say nothing of the fact that even hinting that men who would fly airplanes into office buildings to gain a place fucking renewable virgins in paradise somehow represent the moral high ground is unbelieveably sick.

Please, somebody tell me I'm being paranoid here. If anyone has read this tome and feels I'm being to hasty in my judgment, set me right because I don't want to believe Dinesh has completely taken leave of his senses. But it is this sort of argument from our side that does more harm than good an ultimately benefits only the enemy.