Monday, February 18, 2008

BNP's Website Most Popular In Politics

Wake up and smell your future, Britain. If mainstream parties do not answer the needs of the people, the people are more than happy to turn to the BNP.

From the Daily Mail:

The British National Party has the UK's most visited political website, a study shows.
The far-Right group received 51 per cent of all hits to party sites last year - seven times more than the online pages run by Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

It was also twice as popular as the Conservative's main website.


Anonymous said...

It's even more popular now. So popular that's it's become increasing slow as the day has worn on and is now working at a snail's pace.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream Parties?
The BNP is on the verge of becoming mainstream itself with over 15% of the vote in some recent elections. The other three parties are too much tied to their past to do a U-turn on Islam and immigration, because they'd have to admit:

(1) They've been very wrong for a very long time.

(2) They are responsible for the mess the country's in.

It's far easier for them to compete with each other for the diminishing Islamically-unaware electorate than to confront the BNP.

Anonymous said...

This story is now all over the net, and as of 19:30 GMT the BNP's site has siezed up completely. They'll have to get themselves a faster or more powerful electrical server thingy.