Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Elderly Can't Pay Their Heating Bills? British Muslim Group Blames The Jews

From the website of the Muslim Public Affairs Commitee of the United Kingdom:

I couldn’t help but feel disgust and sadness after watching the C4 Dispatches programme, Heat or Eat: The Pensioners Dilemma aired Monday at 8pm. The programme discovered that the Government, despite its promises, is failing the elderly across Britain.

With energy prices soaring, the current Government’s provision to make sure that pensioners are warm and properly cared for in winter is becoming more and more inadequate. At the same time it is impoverishing the elderly and their families, who increasingly have to pay for basic social services.

So who do I blame for this horrible mess? I blame the warmongers in our Government. I blame the Neocons and the Zionists who are dictating how the Treasury spend our money.

The essay goes on and on, just like the anti-Semitic thinking that spawns such "logic."


Ray Boyd said...

It's not that bad. Everyone over the age of 60, rich or poor regardless receives a Winter Fuel Payment of £200, which is more than enough to cover the cost of heating. I get one of course, but as I manage to pay my energy bills anyway I always use the payment for something else.

In the circumstances I do not understand why any old person in the UK cannot afford heating.

Pastorius said...

Well Ray, maybe it's because the Jews are stealing the money from the poor old people.

/ sarc off