Saturday, February 09, 2008

Muslims For Obama Hail One Nation Under "God"

Check out a couple of Obamasama's Muslim campaign sites here and here . Funny, but I just can't get myself to accept the notion that Barack is all for racial equality while he still belongs to Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Nor do I find Keith Ellision's endorsement particularly reassuring. And may I be forgiven for being just a trifle curious as to why none of these devout Muslims seems concerned that Obama is apostate? Do they perhaps know something we don't?


Pastorius said...

They really ought to check his apostate.

nanc said...


that and ANY church with a "united" in front of it is but a front for divesting from israel, replacement theology - they are apostate plain and simple...from a christian pov.

Anonymous said...

Pastorius, wouldn't that be check his apostatus?

Nanc, I didn't know that about "united" churches. Just never thought about it. How did they develop? Is replacement theology same as liberation theology?

Pastorius said...

I think Nanc is not referring to a specific denomination (because I know of no specific denomination named "United Church") but to all churches who place the word "United" at the front of their name. There is the United Chruch of Christ, and the United Methodist Church, just to name two.

It reminds me of how every organization which claims to work for Peace and Justice, seems to work to support Palestinians and/or other "oppressed" people, as long as they stand against the West.

Dhivehi Resistance said...

Looks like Obama is becoming an icon in the muslim world.
Check out the photo of this advertisement and the women in the hijab walking below.