Monday, April 14, 2008

Silence Like a Cancer Grows...

And the words of the Prophet (peachpits be upon him in great quantity and at high velocity) are written on the subway walls...

Randy Taylor reminds us at Northeast Intelligence Network (as do Ibn Warraq and Steve Emerson at Atlas) that we are not together on this thing to the degree that we need to be:

It’s all around us yet we fail to see it. Those of us that do see it don’t really know what to do about it. I know hundreds of people that see it for what it is, know the evil behind it yet don’t know how to go about fighting this demonic plague thrust upon us.

We shout out in small voices to an unknown audience, we write articles and editorials about it, we get supportive email from our readers and listeners yet at the end of the day, we are exactly where we started. We are the lone voices in the wilderness. We are the Paul Revere’s of the 21st century yet we have no organized army to warn. We are the point men in this frontal battle in the upcoming war yet when we look or fall back to warn our squad, they are scattered or cowering in fear from the enemy before us...

Islam has managed to divide the entire population of the United States because we let them. Back in 2001, right after the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon, I was proud to be an American. We had just suffered a massive terrorist strike, we all banded together and we all wept together, we all allied together and we all faced a common enemy together. We were one, united and we stood together. It felt real good.

Since then, through careful manipulation of our laws and an effective infiltration of the US political system, combined with a well funded media campaigns Organized Islam has dealt us a serious blow here in our own homeland. We now have Muslims in key political seats, we are facing an election with an undercover Muslim agent looking for the leadership position of this great nation and we are all acting as though this is normal. The average American doesn’t see the looming threat poised by Iran and Syria against Israel and the US and no one is really keeping score for the general public on the Islamic expansion throughout Indonesia, Asia and Africa, the UK, Canada and the US. We are losing ground to organized Islam, we are not gaining.
We are all acting as if this is normal." No, not all of us. But the point Taylor
makes is that far too few of us are paying sufficient attention to realize that
there is nothing "normal" about what is happening. We assume, as we did during the Cold War, that those whose job it is to protect us from attack are on watch and have contained the threat. This is a dangerously optimistic assumption.

We are sheep looking to the shepherds to protect us from the wolves. Problem is that the wolves have managed to sneak past the shepherds and are comfortably nestled in with the flock, even protected by the shepherds. For example, the FBI goes well out of their way to coddle and protect CAIR although it is well established and well documented that CAIR has ties and always had ties to Islamic terrorist groups.

As Taylor points out, the jihadists know that to attack us now would scrap all the progress they have made since 2001, when OBL temporarily monkeywrenched the Islamist schedule by initiating the 9/11 attacks and waking everybody up. They are unlikely to make that mistake again until they have reason to believe they are losing. Meanwhile...

We are making payments to Islam right now for security, in both words and deeds, which is asinine. The government does it, the people do it and the business sector does it. We have America’s Liberty, Freedom and Democracy for sale to the highest bidder. So far, Islam holds the highest bid.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

As long as there is not another jihadi attack on the West, the West is going to remain lulled into a false sense of security.

Spectacular attacks, as awful as they are, are not the primary danger. Infiltration and subversion are--and both of those are proceding apace in our government, our educational institutions, and our financial system.

We should never assume that Islamomaniacs are stupid. Some of them are, of course; but not those quietly working underneath the surface.