Tuesday, April 08, 2008

U.S. Military In Iran Already?

This retired Colonel says he believes the United States military is already conducting operations in Iran. There are two objectives at this point:

1) To gather intelligence on Iran's nuclear facilities

2) To prepare dissident groups for the eventual attack on the nuclear facilities and the opportunity that will give them for regime change.

Watch the video from CNN.


Anonymous said...

Iran has no intention of Using any Nuclear weapons it might make. It wants the status and protection that Pakistan - another Muslim country has. Israel stole Nukes from the US and the US just let it happen. Israel has begun this Nuclear proliferation due its insistance of being the Super Power in the middle east and the overlord of one billion Muslims.
Iran knows the US and Europe would destroy Iran if it ever used any Nukes. But Iran knows that Jewish lobbyist who want us to invade Iran and create death and havoc like Israel made us do in Iraq (WMDs? ALL lies! Bush admitted Saddam had no connection to 9/11!!!). Isreal compelled the USA to go to war with Iraq to make Israel safer. That is what 4,000 US soldiers and 700,000 Iraqi civilians have died for. Iran is terrified by Israel and its control over the USA and wants to be protected from that threat.

Pastorius said...

Thanks for setting the record straight.

Epaminondas said...



There's just this tiny little thing...like every SINGLE LEADER of Iran since 1979 not metaphorically calling for the wiping out of Israel and the jews, but the ACTUAL MURDER of the jews. I mean after all though considering the principle of najas, they're all just among the uncleanly anyway...

Anonymous, I don't know where you are DREAMING YOU ARE, or who the FUCK you think you are talking to, but a piece of advice, next time you want to debate with adults, show up to discuss with a raft of url's so we can see the evidence you use to form the moronic opinions you are spewing.

Your pal, SHAITAN