What would have happened if Hunter S. Thompson's sketch artist, Ralph Steadman, covered the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial?
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
Last Thursday was the arraignment of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other detainees, giving the world its first glimpse of the al Qaeda operations chief since he was photographed in a disheveled undershirt immediately after arrest. The first courtroom sketches were released to the press, and Mohammed reportedly complained about how he was portrayed by the sketch artist, suggesting that she compare her work to the FBI photo.
We don't trust those press corps sketch artists either, so 23/6 sent its own resident sketch artist, Karen Leo, to get a true depiction of this historic trial. We're certain Khalid would approve:

You flatter him! :)
It's hard not to flatter this guy. Few words or images are a match for the abyss of evil that is his soul.
Jaco, we should submit this flattering image of Mohammed to the website which is collecting them. If this isn't the most wonderfully blashedmephous thing I ever did saw, well then, I don't know WHAT is!
I just posted a list of fatwa worthy 'toons and 'tos over at my joint, Jaco.
I'll go check it out.
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