Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bush Did Not Lie!... Saddam Officials Had "Good Relationship" With Zarqawi

The Washington Post has finally admitted that Bush did not lie to get us into war.

The US knew that Al-Qaeda and Al-Zarqawi had a "good relationship" with Saddam Hussein officials before the war:

Click to Enlarge

Page 67- Senate Intelligence
II Report on Public Statements

This news from the WaPo today is as shocking as seeing Hillary
Clinton suspend her campaign

Fred Hiatt at The Washington
reported- "Bush didn't lie!"

is rubbing her head wondering what got into the media to suddenly
admit that Bush did not lie.She wrote a wonderful history of the antiwar crowds'
favorite chant about Bush and included this from 2003:

One reads this and thinks…it’s really too bad that when this story of Dems on the Intel
plotting against Bush broke in 2003, the mainstream press ignored
it, taking umbrage that anyone would leak a memo (!) while ignoring its

There's much more. Go read the whole thing, including a response from Senator Bond, over at Gateway Pundit.


MathewK said...

ssshhhh, don't tell the stupid leftists. Their small brains will explode, no wait, that's a good thing, i'll spread the word.

Pastorius said...

Leftists, this is your brain.

(View of scrambled eggs sizzling and popping in a pan full of lard)

This is your brain on reality.

(view of Muslim pulling the strap on his bomb belt and exploding in a crowd full of hippies)

Michael Travis said...

It has only been a few years....the reason given for the invasion of Iraq was "Non-Compliance with UN resolutions". The Iraq-Al Qaeda controversy was unoficial, and had to do with the uneducated, drugged-up DittoHeads on AM radio.

"This administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and al Qaeda," Bush said. "We did say there were numerous contacts between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda."

Put the controversy to bed and prepare to defend yourselves against another 8 years of Islamist leadership. What George Al Bushi started, both McCain and Obama will surely continue.

Think American, think of your children, and turn off Limbaugh.

Pastorius said...

Just for the fact that Saddam's military shot at our jets every fucking day, they deserved to be destroyed.

But, the liberals can not keep such simple truths in their minds.

Read the above comment.


Michael Travis said...

It is all a diversion from the important issues of today.....B.Hussein.O' and "No Borders" McCain.

May they both rot in hell, and be replaced by John Bolton.

(Anyway, as we saw outside the realm of American MainStreamMedia..Saddam himself declared that he had WMD's on a weekly basis. That being said, Saddam was the "second least worse" leader in the Middle East, our "Allies" are far more dangerous and commuted to the destruction of the United States)

Pastorius said...

Yes, I agree that our "allies" are worse.

However, I do not think that Bush invaded Iraq to get their oil. It doesn't make sense from a dollars and sense position.

It is likely he had a larger vision than we will ever see. His ability to execute his own strategy was destroyed by the "Bush lied, people died," liturgy.

Pastorius said...

The best way to execute this war, from a world economic standpoint, would be

Iraq - Iran/Syria - Saudi Arabia

coupled with

an agressive policy of drilling in the United States