Tuesday, June 03, 2008

HAMAS not aggressive enough for Iran, they demand new leaders

Iran-backed Hamas leadership turns on its own prime minister

GAZA CITY World Tribune-- For the first time, a split within the Hamas leadership threatens to turn bloody.

Hamas sources said Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has come under threats by his rivals within the movement, according to Palestinian media reports.

The sources said several Hamas leaders aligned with Iran are plotting to kill Haniyeh and blame the Palestinian Authority or Israel.

"Haniyeh has been approached quietly and told to step down," a Hamas source said. "He has refused and was backed by the leadership in Damascus."

The sources said Haniyeh's chief rivals were former PA Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar and former Interior Minister Said Siyam.

They said Zahar and Siyam have been directly financed by Iran, which has demanded a more aggressive Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip.

What does that mean? 10,000 rockets in to Israel instead of 5,000? Not enough suicide attempts?

A Hamas leader was quoted by PalPress as reporting an intensification of the dispute between Haniyeh and his rivals. The leader said Hamas military chief Ahmed Jaabari has joined Siyam and Zahar in pressing for Haniyeh to resign.

The main argument between Haniyeh and his rivals focused on how to deal with the PA and Egypt. The leader said Haniyeh, regarded as responsible to Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Masha'al, has maintained contact with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Ahhhhhh......Iran wants entire Palestinian structure as the means to achieve their fantasy.

In late 2007, the sources said, loyalists of Haniyeh and Zahar clashed in the Shati refugee camp, Gaza City and Dir El Balah. The two sides later issued reconciliation statements.

In February 2008, Siyam told a news conference in Gaza City that the Hamas regime had arrested several Palestinians recruited to assassinate Haniyeh. Siyam blamed the PA for the plot.

"The news conference was a signal to Haniyeh that his days are numbered and he could be eliminated at any time," the Hamas source said. "Since then, he has gone underground."

The source said Zahar wants to replace Haniyeh as Hamas prime minister and eliminate any moderate wing in the Islamic movement. He said Zahar was part of a plot to kill Haniyeh and blame the PA and Fatah.

Okay, now that's truly comedic concept.

"After the assassination we will accuse Fatah of the killing, which will result in a strong blow against the movement in the Gaza Strip," the Hamas leader told PalPress. "At that point, we will activate Hamas power in the West Bank and launch a campaign against Abbas and sabotage the West Bank leadership."

And there are people in the USA, Europe, and IN ISRAEL, under the delusion that Israel surrendering some settlements will aid the cause of peace in the middle east. The utter truth is that there IS no peace process in the middle east unless you are referring to Islamic Peace. There is no settlement, process, negotiation, or promise any jew can make to achieve peace unless it is to leave, or die, or pay the tax.

Arabs and other muslims, as can be observed, only dispute which path to elimination of the jews is the best one, and as we can see, sunnis of all dimensions, and shia get along fine in this endeavor, and anywhere the west is identified as the oppostion..

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