Monday, June 02, 2008

Iranian Foreign Minister Calls On Muslims To "Erase Israel"

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki called on the world's Muslims
today to work to "erase" Israel, in the latest verbal attack by Tehran against
the Jewish state.

"As the Imam Khomeini said, if each Muslim throws a bucket of water on
Israel, Israel will be erased," Mottaki told a conference in Tehran, recalling a
saying by Iran's late revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sparked international outrage for his
repeated attacks against Israel, which he has predicted is doomed to disappear
and described as a "stinking corpse" and a "dead rat".

His most notorious attack was in 2005 when he repeated another saying
from Khomeini calling for Israel to be "wiped from the map".

Mottaki added: "More than ever, the Zionist regime is disintegrating
from within. Today, the Islamic resistance in this region has shattered the
regime's legend of invincibility."

Iran vehemently denies charges of anti-Semitism, pointing to the continued
existence in the country of the largest Jewish community in the Middle East
outside Israel and saying it is only against Zionism.

Some of Iran's best friends are Jews.

Meanwhile, down the road a little way, Iranian-supported terrorist organization Hizb'allah (Hizbollah) is doing their part to see that Israel is erased.

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