Tuesday, June 03, 2008

"White Folks Greed Runs A World In Need"

From Powerline:

Barack Obama is an extraordinarily divisive figure, not because of who he is, but because of what he says. Does he still find the claim that the "world in need" is caused by "white men's greed" to be credible?

No Presidential candidate has run for office on an explicitly racist platform since the Democrats of the mid-19th century. But if Obama still endorses references to "white men's greed," as he did when he wrote Dreams From My Father, he is disqualified from office on grounds of racial divisiveness alone.

Can you imagine what would happen to a white candidate who said that he selected a church and attended it for twenty years because he liked the fact that the minister said the world's problems are caused by "black men's [fill in a vice]"?

Barack Obama has a great deal of explaining to do, not just to the voters of small-town Pennsylvania, but to all voters across the United States.

By the way, the audio clip is from Obama's audio book of Dreams From My Father ...

Go to Powerline to hear the audio.

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