Thursday, September 11, 2008

Barack Obama Melts Down On O'Reilly's TV Show

From Gateway Pundit:

Holy False Prophet!...

This was awful!

Barack Obama went into the No Spin Zone and came out battered and bloody tonight.

This interview with Bill O'Reilly was a DISASTER!

It was so bad you almost felt sorry for him.

Obama had nothing-- He had no answers.

He could not defend or explain his associations with terrorists, racists, and Leftist nutjobs.
He couldn't defend his decision to appease the Daily Kooks.
He compared Sean Hannity and FOX News to the vile nutroots radicals.
He excused Bill Ayers' terrorist attacks.
He could not name one example where FOX News smeared him.
He could not name one conservative friend.
Obama was so bad that O'Reilly started laughing.

It was horrible.


Anonymous said...

Holy False Prophet!...This was awful!

It could only go as well as Obama's record is. Cest la vie.

Roll the tape . . .
O'Reilly: Did he(Wright) say white people were bad?
BHO: No. What he said was racism was bad.
O'Reilly: Not white people are bad?
BHO: There was no doubt that what he (Wright) said was racism was bad.

GONG . . .can't wait to watch this get debunked with additional video evidence.


BHO: In both his case (Wright) and Father Pflegers case, they've done great work in the community and I've worked in some very poor communities . . .

BREAK . . .I cannot resist inserting this link here: What do the ten cities with the highest poverty rate have in common?
. . .ok, now carry on . . .

BHO: ". . .that's how I got to know these folks because I was working in these neighborhoods."

Yeah baby, we've heard . . .and unfortunately for you Mr. Obama, we've seen the outcome of your, um, community 'efforts' (exhibit A, exhibit B.

Some resume you got there pal.

*****Enter Ayers *****

BHO: "So, he and I know each other as a consequence of work~blur~not a part of my campaign - he's not some advisor of mine. He's somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know."

Um hmmm. Some would say William Ayers is the mastermind behind the rise to power of Barack Obama. He has been since 1988.

BHO "I don't sort of assume that you have to take responsibility for everything that is said on Fox News any more than I would expect you to take responsibility for everything thats said on the Daily Kos."


BHO "I expect to be held responsible for the things I say and do."

Bwa ha ha ha ha! BHO goes on to place responsibility on O'Reilly to correct BHO's bad image.

Bwa ha ha ha ha! So much for taking responsibility! OMG . . .gasp for air . . .ha ha ha!!!

BHO continues to complain about "guilt by association" . . .associations he maintains to this day!


BHO Bill, I've got friends who are on the far right.

O'Reilly Who?

BHO "They're . . .I've got colleagues in the senate"

O'Reilly Who, give me a name.

BHO stumbles, no no no"

Clearly Obama can't name one - ha ha ha!

with friends like these . . .oy.

[ . . ]

agonzalez1 said...

Good post.

He truly is shaken at actual questions that we want to know.

I love that he blames everything on Foxnews....the only network that he singles out...but never gets specific

Always On Watch said...

Barack Hussein Obama: not ready for prime time.