BRITAIN is set to be the target of a September 11-style atrocity, Muslim fanatics were told at a meeting in London.
And they cheered as exiled preacher Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed ramped up the hatred via video link from his hideaway in Lebanon.
The 100 devotees packed into a community centre in Walthamstow heard leaders of the outlawed Al Muhajiroun sect describe Osama Bin Laden as a hero who had taught the Americans a lesson seven years ago.
The meeting, to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on New York, was told that the “Crusaders” had not learned their lesson.
“Wake up. Withdraw. Listen to the warnings. Muslims will stand side-to-side, not just Al Qaeda. The actions of the British and Americans have given prominence to Al Qaeda. All of us have a part to play in stopping the violence or the next 9/11 will take place in Britain and the next 7/7 could take place locally.”
Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed’s former right-hand man Anjem Choudary told how the banned cleric’s aim of flying the “flag of Sharia” over Downing Street would become reality by 2020.
And fanatics chanted “God is great” when the former leader of Al Muhajiroun appeared via video link. Much of his speech on Wednesday was inaudible because of technical difficulties but he claimed Britain was trying to assassinate him and he had foiled a bomb plot
Yesterday he told the Daily Express: “I don’t understand what moderate Muslims have against Bin Laden.”
He dismissed the murder of more than 2,000 people on 9/11 as “just an event”.
“Osama Bin Laden is a great personality and a legendary person for Muslims around the world,” he said. “He is a man who stands firm against imperialism, against America’s vile policies in the Middle East and in Iraq, and so he has become a real hero for Muslims worldwide.
“Anyone who denies that is either not a Muslim or is a hypocrite.”
Where is the moderate muslim leadership?
Wondering if their lives are worth squat in the west if they speak up
Rule # 1. There are no "moderate muslims". There are only jihadis and apostates. The silence you hear is confirmation that all muslims await the global caliphate and then will subjugate all others.
This is sedition. It should not be allowed. It is actually not legally allowed, already. But the law needs to be enforced. Come on, Britain!
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