Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Final Solution

I just got this interesting comment on one of the articles on
Ultimately, there are only two ways it can go, either the Kuffars implement a final solution to the Muslim problem, or the Muslims implement a final solution to the Kuffar problem.

It's a race against time as to which occurs first.

- R. Bite-McFry
What do you think?


Pastorius said...

I think it is clear that calling for Jihad is a stated goal towards a final solution.

The thing is, Muslims do not at this point have the ability to implement a final solution.

If Pakistan went Taliban, or Iran gets its hands on a nuclear weapon, then they can carry out a final solution on at least a very large portion of our population (or more likely Israel's).

So, if we come to find out they are close, I say we do whatever we have to do to eliminate that possiblity. I don't think that would require nukes in the case of Iran, but in the case of Pakistan (who already have something near fifty nukes at their disposal, we might have to go nuclear.

I think the use of nuclear weapons should be avoided at almost all costs, because once we have crossed that threshold, we will be inviting others to do the same.

So, the short answer is, Muslims have the intent, but they don't currently have the ability, therefore, we should not carry through with a final solution.

Anonymous said...

The final solution is not necessarily annihilation. We could get by if we made it widely accepted that Islam is a silly set of beliefs designed to give a relatively small cadre of clerics power over a population.

Anonymous said...

Not 'silly set of beliefs' -anon - Islam is a dangerous, seditious set of beliefs.

[ . . ]

I'm not ready to push the button yet. But I have no inhibition towards defining Islam openly, using their holy books, historic evidence and daily practice to expose it's pathetic foundations for the ultimate crime on humanity Islam is.

Citizen Warrior said...

I think it's true that if enough people in the free world know what jihad is and how it works, Jihadis can be isolated and contained and a "final solution" will not be necessary.

Pastorius said...

Your answser, frankly, sounds like a platitude.

Here's my question for you: Is the declaration of Jihad against Infidels and Jews a signal from Muslims that their intent is a Final Solution against us?

Anonymous said...

Pastorius asks:

Is the declaration of Jihad against Infidels and Jews a signal from Muslims that their intent is a Final Solution against us?

Heroyalwhyness answers:

Without a doubt.

Epaminondas said...

I am very pessimistic that in the end we will have any real alternative other than all out war.

To avoid this, IMHO, will require the muslims to acknowledge the Quran is NOT the word of god.

Short of this, there will ALWAYS be enough islamist jihadis to ensure that sooner or later someone will get hold of a nuke, and after that ... it's the last 2 minutes of Dr. Strangelove.

SamenoKami said...

All muslims are rabid, they are just at different stages of the disease of mohammed's madness.

Damien said...

Note that I have no problem with killing every single Jihadist on the planet.

Pastorius said...

I'm with you and Damien on killing all Jihadis. However, before we have to do that, we could simply offer them a choice; death penalty or deportation.

But, we must keep in mind that the minute they aquire the ability to become an existential threat to any nation on this Earth, then the fight is on. There ought to be no holding back.

Citizen Warrior said...

I agree, Pastorius. But "death or deportation" is only good within our own borders. They should be safe nowhere in the world.

Anonymous said...

The danger of Islam is ideological. The core of this danger will always exist. Consider this;

1) Islam is divided into two main groups; Extremists & Moderates.

Which portion of these groups is likley to become dominant?

Extremists. Why?

moderates rarley convert extremists to moderation through reason. extremisits frequently convert moderates through violence and the media. extrapolating this process, assuming it is unbroken or uninteruppted, the islamic world is largley radicalised by the next decade.

I remember a java based game that came out by a us liberal called September 12th, in which one targeted terrorists while creating terrorists by inflicting civilian casualites. Like the Liberal view of reality, this game was naive in the extreme. It failed to take into account the very nature of Islam, that is that terrorists are created by indoctrination, and are brainwashed no matter what the west does.

The pure danger of Islam is that it is about to give us a war never seen before. They have declared war on our culture and our way of life. There can be no reason, no parley. We are heading for another World War. And it will be hot.

Damien said...

William Hutton,

I have a bad feeling you are correct. All wars are largely a battle of wills and when world war three truly brakes out, I hope the west is willing to do whats necessary to force its will on the enemy. The only way we will win once and for all is to send them the message that their cause is futile and after sending large numbers of Jihadists to their graves. Unfortunately no matter what we do, it will not be possible for us to take out only the bad guys. But is an unfortunate fact of war.

Damien said...

William Hutton,

You said,
I remember a java based game that came out by a us liberal called September 12th, in which one targeted terrorists while creating terrorists by inflicting civilian casualites. Like the Liberal view of reality, this game was naive in the extreme. It failed to take into account the very nature of Islam, that is that terrorists are created by indoctrination, and are brainwashed no matter what the west does.

Not only is it naive, but it blames the west for something that really wasn't its fault.