Sunday, September 07, 2008

How to Deal With a Lying, Deceiving, Backstabbing, Persistent, Violent, Determined Group of People Whose Only Mission In Life Is to Destroy You

Last night I was watching Terrorists Among Us for the hundredth time (perhaps I exaggerate) and saw taqiyya again, more clearly than ever. Steven Emerson interviewed Jihadis up close and personal and they lied right to his face. Emerson showed an interview clip where a Jihadi says "no, I don't know anything about that," and he immediately afterward, he showed articles or speeches by that same Jihadi calling for jihad!

And I felt this frustration, this immense frustration at how difficult Jihadis make it to defeat them. It would be so much easier for us if they were open about their intentions. How can you deal with a lying, deceiving, backstabbing, persistent, violent, determined group of people whose only mission in life is to undermine and destroy us?

We're going to have to be smarter than they are, more determined, and completely ruthless when necessary.

I used to work in a restaurant that had a rat. The rat lived in the manager's office, and one of the managers was a woman with a rat phobia. The rat must have been able to smell fear, because it kept getting bolder. It would come out during the day and scare the shit out of her. They had an exterminating company come in there and set traps, but couldn't seem to catch it.

Finally I got mad. I thought, "come on, how can it be so difficult to catch a rat!" So I searched for its hole in the wall and found it. Then I set an elaborate trap for it, and the next morning, it was dead. The manager said I was her hero. Several of the people I worked with asked me if I felt bad for killing the animal. I said no. And I meant it.

Keep in mind I'm an animal lover. When I was a kid, I raised mice, rats, and hamsters. But this particular animal needed killing. That's what I think about when I say, "completely ruthless when necessary."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will pull out my copy and re-watch this video today.

Can't help but wonder if Emerson would consider producing an update to the 1994 video initially released November 13, 2001. (short sample).

The Islamic matrix may not have changed, but Emerson's journalistic arsenal of video clips must be bulging with enough material for an updated version.

Few journalists have the tenacity to withstand the defensive obfuscation (taqiyya/tuqoque) Emerson has professionally deconstructed and met head on for well over a decade despite threats made against him.

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