"A video game made by an Australian man that encourages players to massacre Muslim people has caused international outrage. "Muslim Massacre" is promoted as taking place after the US "declares war" on the religion of Islam and encourages players to wipe out followers.
"The United States of America has declared war on Islam!" the Muslim Massacre website says. "Take control of the American hero and wipe out the Muslim race with an arsenal of the world's most destructive weapons."
The targets appear as bearded men wearing normal clothes or characters in black outfits with facemasks. Later levels include suicide bombers and a "boss" opponent resembling Osama Bin Laden.
Mr Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the UK Muslim youth organisation the Ramadhan Foundation, said the game was unacceptable, tasteless and deeply offensive.
If "Death to Infidels" And "Death to America" Are Ok, Why Not Death to Muslims?
Why? Because the PC multi-culti fascist kumbaya monitors say so. Too personal. The "I'm ok, you're ok " equal diametric doesn't fit their matrix.
Try these on for size instead:
There . . .now it's not so personal. 'K?
Yes, we are fighting an ideology. Our goal is not to kill the people.
"Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion, it has been revealed. The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside, they claim. Fanatics told a meeting of young Muslims on the anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity, that it would then be easy to impose Sharia law on the population, the Sun newspaper reported.
Speaking at a meeting in London, Anjem Choudary, right-hand man of exiled preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed, said: "It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside."
'The Muslim race', that line alone tells you that those behind this game don't know their stuff and don't care to make the important distinctions between the majority of Islam's passive slaves and its murderous slaves. It's one thing targeting Islam, as pastorius notes, another to target all Muslims. Now, I do think that Muslims as a whole have done nothing to distance themselves from Islam and its mission to destroy all that is not Islamic, making them in tacit agreement with all that's done in its name, but after the Muslim murderers finally get what they deserve, the passive ones will get in line, not wanting to share their fate.
Murder, rape and pillage your way through Christendom! Collect more booty and women as you work your way up the levels. Earn extra points through amputations and crucifixations so you can have steamy passionate sex with Aisha.
When you get killed you go to the top level with 72 virgins and 24 pretty little boys.
So you just can't lose with this amazing fantasy wargame.
P.S. Cheat tips for KORAN - THE VIDEO GAME. Don't detonate on the Israeli bus. You'll only get a maximum of 40 points. Instead, work your way up to the level where the landscape full of hundreds of rocks and trees and get close up to each one of them, and they'll tell you something very much to your advantage.
That thing with the rocks and treess, that's Koran 2 - The Apocalypse Video Game.
I've played that. It's a blast.
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