In his book, Virus of the Mind, Richard Brodie writes about memes as a kind of virus. With this analogy, the Islamic Memeplex is like a supervirus that takes over a person's mind completely, making him aggressive and violent to uninfected people.
So if Islam is a memetic disease, what's the cure? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
One of the things demonstrated in the movie is that if a cure is to be found, you need effective defense and protection while you're working on it.
Effective defense? 1400 years has displayed a prolific preponderance to ineffective defensive measures against Islamic hegemony.
BTW . ..no mention yet about this anniversary:
On this day in 1972, at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, a group of Palestinian terrorists storms the Olympic Village apart..
BTW . . . the History Channel will air 102 Minutes that Changed America / Witness to 9/11
Thursday, September 11
09:00 PM
Friday, September 12
01:00 AM
Discover rarely seen and heard archives that document the 102 minutes between the first attack on the World Trade Center to the collapse of the second tower. This commercial-free special uses unique material from sources ranging from amateur photography and video to FDNY, NYPD, Port Authority and emergency dispatch radio recordings, photography and video. Also seen is footage broadcast outside the US, electronic messages and voicemails and "outtakes" culled from raw network footage. Then, watch interviews with individuals who provided videos of the events of that day. The interviews with the filmmakers will provide context for the circumstances they were in, why they shot video, what the footage means to them, and where they were on that day.
As a side note, bloggers should prepare documentation contrasting Obamas/Biden vs. McCain/Palin political history since 9/11 as it pertains to the WoT.
Ronald Reagan would say Freedom.
Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln would say, beating the hell out of them physically, and then forcing them to change mentally by changing their laws, institutions and way of life from the top down.
I side with Lincoln on this one.
In other words, I don't think Islam is beatable with memes. I think it must be beaten physically, before it is beaten mentally. And, I think the mental game is won by force of law.
Sharia is sedition. The penalty for sedition should be death or depotment to a Muslim country of the prisoner's choice.
The reason we are not truly having success in Iraq is because we did not fight this war the way we fought Japan, Germany, and the American South.
Citizen Warrior,
In someways the virus analogy is a bad one because beliefs don't operate the same way as viruses. If you catch a virus, you can't choose which parts will effect you. You can't choose the symptoms. But some people can and do choose to embrace part of a belief system and reject the rest.
Here is where a my Truculent_Realism comes in. There is no cure for "Islam" in the sense that there is a cure for a virus and there never will be. We will not get rid of Islam in our life time, regardless of our desires. However we may be able to westernize and demilitarize any terrorist supporting Islamic countries if we force them into unconditional surrender and we make them except the separation of Mosque and state in a written Constitution. We would then have to occupy the country for awhile to make sure they obey the new constitution, in the mean time to the best of our ability, shutting down all the medrassas and replacing everything from their school text books to their television programs, with ones that support things like freedom of religion and freedom of conscious, deprogramming the demoralized population. But that would require an incredible degree of determination and ruthlessness. I'm not sure Americans have the stomach for such a war and occupation. Also we would have to get a majority of the free world to support us. That is something very unlikely in the near future.
Another possibility would be to do everything we could do to weaken and subvert Islamic governments. Our government could covertly support and encourage rebellion, but that is also easier said than done. However that too is also much easier said than done, there also would be a heavy price if our subversion was discovered. It could start a full scale war between the Islam-o-Fascist state and America.
The least we could do and should do is stand up for our values. Stop being politically correct and say that western culture is superior to Islamic culture. Support individual rights and human rights and point out that they don't depend on culture. Also stand up against the Islam-o-Fascist when it comes to religious freedom in particular and as Citizen Warrior always says, stop conceding to their demands.
However we can take comfort in the fact that Islam is unlikely to be around forever. Throughout most of human history, people were hunter gathers. The earliest_civilizations start sometime around 3000 BC. That means that world wide human civilization is only about five thousand years old and Islam has only existed for a fraction of that time.
Very perceptive stuff. I liken the situation with Islam to mental AIDS, which is from the virus HIV of course:
Like most of the world, people who have not studied the nature of the enemy and therefore know not that they are even an enemy.
Education on the true nature of Islam to the masses is the key, then we could deploy the only solution that will prevail: All out annihilation of this festering boil of control freaks.
However, the masses have no desire to learn and will only do so after it is late in the war. Unfortunately, thousands upon thousands may perish before that tide changes.
So you think education is the answer. Well it maybe part of the answer, but by itself it won't be enough to stop them.
at least part of the problem is our wishful thinking and taking our freedom for granted
I agree Damien that education is not enough, but it appears to be a tool to at least slow them down a bit. As CAIR sends its propaganda minions to communities across the nation, people don't even know about takiya. If we finally get a leader with the stones to understand this certitude, then maybe we can do both. I feel that it may not happen in my lifetime but I am certainly teaching my kids about these barbarians.
Your teaching your kids about these people? Good for you.
Heck, the lack of education even extends to the Muslims themselves. The vast majority of them have never even opened a Koran let alone study it. They are like C & E Christians who only go to church on Christmas and Easter. However, when the tide tips in favor of the Mullahs each and everyone of these mildly Islamic people will know that they will be considered apostates and will immediately become fully observant because they know they will be next.
When people I know who can quote the Koran and the Bible chapter and verse have discussions with so-called moderate Muslims, they are astounded when the facts are revealed. To so-called Muslim scholars that do not even understand the truth behind the "Last Prophet."
I teach this to everyone I know, and it is amazing to see the reactions on their faces. To top it off, most are very willing to know the facts and want more and more. I have had quick conversations with everyday people turn into hours long discussions, repeatedly.
SPREAD THE WORD my friends! People will listen.
Oil is not forever.
You referred to "my Truculent Reason".
Did you write that essay?
No I did not. I just thought that it was the best definition of the term I could find. I'm sorry for any confusion I my have caused.
That looks like a good website.
Thanks for calling my attention to it.
I own a book called "Ayn Rand Contra Human Nature." It was written by Greg S Nyquist, the creator of that website. I'm glad you like it. He also has a blog were people discuss his book. Its one of the few other blogs that I tend to post comments on.
The cure (here at any rate) is relentless civil suits against the mosques and every individual on the boards of directors of the mosques in the court for teachings which result in violent attack.
Imagine where we would if the mosque of the moron who ran down the kids at UNC was driven in to nonexistence the each member of the board of director of the mosque was reduced to utter penury for allowing teachings that resulted in the attack ...or the attack at the JCC in Seattle?
We would either drive out those who insist they are compelled by god to teach violence and hate which results in violence, or break the cycle and result in those who would eschew such teachings PERMANENTLY.
I'm not sure that would work. It seems to me like it might just drive them underground. They don't believe in obeying infidel laws after all.
I like your idea.
Now I understand why you like the SPLA.
I think they are a parody of what they set out to do originally, but I do recognize the soundness of their strategy.
Excuse me,
I meant the SPLC, not the SPLA.
Sorry about that.
A sustained and thorough campaign of
propaganda against Islam, followed, if need be, by a large nuke above the Kaabah. Harsh, but what else would have an effect?
The SPLC? I never heard of it.
One problem with that strategy is that it might back fire and turn some non violent muslims into fanatical Jihadists. Plus I don't think we could get the rest of free world to support us on that endeavor.
IMO, the SPLC would be more inclined to side w/muslims than w/US. Words alone can&will never change islam. It has been a warrior religion from the get-go and will remain so. A warrior religion must be defeated via war. In simpler terms - the only thing a warring muslim understands is a bullet in the head. We are making zero headway when the Bush/UK's Brown give speeches praising the beginning of ramadan. islam's goal is world domination and they (leaders/those who buy into that) will not stop if it takes 5yrs or 500yrs. They must be physically beaten into submission and kept there. Otherwise their cancer slowly overtakes everything. A WWII style war, complete w/muslims being purged from civilized countries and women and children dying en masse would be necessary to defeat islam. It'll never happen. The west has lost its stomach for self-preservation. We would rather cease to exist than be politically incorrect.
islam on the other hand will not hesitate to use NBC against the west at the first moment they think it is possible. We are in deep do-do w/Pakistan (if the radicals get and hand off a nuke) and Iran.
They only want/need 3 nukes. One for Israel, one for the US and one for anybody who tries to attack after that.
Short story - the West is hosed. But then again I'm an optimist.
I think it's true military action is absolutely necessary. And we need the political will to prevent the dissemination of seditious ideas.
And an important exception needs to be made about Islam specifically. Some form of discrimination needs to be established against the Islamic religion, and a careful watch set up in each Mosque to monitor what is preached in the khutba (Friday sermon). This may seem harsh and undemocratic, but for survival reasons it has to be done. Islam IS different than other religions.
The really rabid, infectious Muslims need to be isolated from others (quarantined), just as you would a rabid dog, to prevent the spread of the virus.
And for any of this to happen, there has to be a political will that would support the discrimination and military actions necessary, which means a lot more people need to know about the uniqueness of Islamic religious teachings. Far too many people in the free world are completely ignorant of the fact that Islam is any different from any other religion.
I've heard many people give the excuse that you CAN'T educate people because they won't listen. That's not good enough. YOU have to get better at speaking, then. You need to increase your ability to persuade. This is no time to give up. This is no time to throw in the towel.
There are plenty of good books on persuasion. There are plenty of people in this world who started out selling shoes or newspapers who were unskilled and didn't make a lot of money, but with perseverance they LEARNED and became very GOOD at selling. You can do it too.
The cause is a lot more important here than making more money. We're fighting for survival and freedom. It's worth taking the time to develop the most important skill you can have in this battle at this time (unless you are a soldier): The ability to effectively influence your fellow citizens.
I'm sorry I didn't realize you were talking about them. I have heard of the Southern Poverty Law Center before. I just failed to realize what that SPLC stood for. Thanks.
We have never won a war and effectively changed a people over from one ideology to another without being absolutely physically/militarily RUTHLESS first.
Name one war in history that was won, and which brought about fundamental change, without absolutely obliterating the enemy.
I agree about the willingness to be ruthless. I like Lee Harris's statement that "In a world full of bluffers, the ruthless will rule." (from Civilization and Its Enemies).
Total military domination is necessary to quickly change the belief systems of the population of a country. Not absolute obliteration. That's overstatement. We didn't obliterate either Japan or Germany in WWII. Roughed them up real good, sure. Obliterated two cities in Japan, yes. But many soldiers and even supportive citizens were left alive. Many buildings were left standing throughout Germany and Japan.
But the U.S. did dominate both countries militarily. "Occupied" the countries for a time, after completely defeating their war machine. And the the U.S. forced a new way of doing things and thinking about things on the people. And it was amazingly successful.
For the political will to do something like that, probably something horrible would have to happen, like a nuclear weapon exploding in a major city.
But even after an event like that, there's no guarantee the government would take the appropriate action. So that still means education of our fellow citizens now would lay the groundwork for good decisions then, which is why the IBA is so important. And why each of us needs to take what we learn out into the world and talk to people who do NOT know about Islam, and do it effectively.
Citizen Warrior,
For the political will to do something like that, probably something horrible would have to happen, like a nuclear weapon exploding in a major city.
But even after an event like that, there's no guarantee the government would take the appropriate action.
Unfortunately you are probably correct.
Citizen Warrior,
So if Islam is a memetic disease, what's the cure?
I just stumbled upon this Front Page Mag interview with a very famous infidel. I wonder what her response to your question would be.
And even the least infected of Muslims have still been corrupted by its indifference to matters outside of Islam.
If we were to ever stop islam, we would also have to round up and burn every copy of the koran (hadith, etc.) so that the process could not start all over again in the future.
Again, we don't have the political guts to do what it will take to stop islam.
Were you corrupted by that same indifference when you saw yourself as Muslim?
Even if humanity is still around, I doubt that Islam will be around five thousand years from now.
This might not make you feel much better since we will all be dead by then, but its still a small silver lining.
You said: Total military domination is necessary to quickly change the belief systems of the population of a country. Not absolute obliteration.
I say: I wonder if we are using different phrases to mean the same thing.
We have fought three wars which FORCED fundamental change;
1) the American Civil war (we burned Atlanta to the ground, leaving them with practically nothing, and assuring them of the fact that we were willing to level absolute destruction on a massive scale) ...
2) Germany - Dresden fire-bombing, need I say more
3) Japan - nukes - bye bye 150,000 people and two whole cities.
After the war we were just as ruthless to their ideologies as we were to their cities.
We banned the state religion/ideology in all three cases. Banned shinto buddhims, nazism and slavery. No dissemination or advocation of such was allowed in the years after the war.
We have not done that in either Iraq or Afghanistan, and that's why Islam is still in control and that's why we will have even more trouble down the road, and that's why even more people will be killed than we can imagine at this time.
Absolute War - Absolute ideological destruction
One - two
Bam Bam.
That's it.
That's how you force fundamental change.
Sadly, I don't think that's to be found in a meme, unless you call the above statements I have written a series of memes. Which they are.
That is the solution. Nothing else.
The solution for us is memetics, not for the Jihadis. We need to come up with catchy slogans (branding) which will teach our people about our enemy.
But, memes and catchy slogans are not going to work on Islam itself.
After we have complete disassembled both their country and their ideology, then memetics can play a hand in redesigning the way Muslims think.
Thus far we are losing that front, and we will continue to do so, until we do what I have written above.
And, I agree with Damien, we won't do it until we are hit by a catastrophic attack like a Nuclear attack.
By the way, I'm sorry about the ranting nature of my writing on this subject. This is a subject that gets me upset.
By the way,
Bam bam
A punch to the gut (nation)
And a punch to the head (ideas).
How's that for a meme?
I like the ranting. Knowing what you know, if you weren't passionate about it, I'd say you'd need to lay off the tranquilizers!
I agree, memetics will cure very few, if any Muslims from their memetic infection.
Really all the solutions need to be done: Enlightening our fellow citizens, using military force, quarantines for the most contagious spreaders of hate, and the forceful suppression of seditious writing and speech which means the forceful suppression of most Islamic writings. Tough stuff. It'll never get done until non-Muslims are very clear about the nature of Islam.
Samenokami: You said, "Again, we don't have the political guts to do what it will take to stop islam." My response to that is, "Not yet. But we are making the future right now. What happens in the future depends, in part, on what you, Samenokami, do right now. There are no special people determining what's going to happen. It's just us.
Bam bam.
It's a good RPOV8. Actually an RPOV2. Right, left, and down Islam goes onto the canvas!
Hi CW,
I'm glad you don't mind my ranting.
I like your Right/Left meme.
Very good.
I have often thought we won't win until much of the left agrees with us.
I used to be a lefty so I have more hope for my ex-fellow travellers than many others do.
One of the best things we've got going in our favor when it comes to the leftist anti-Western paradigm falling, is that lefties are supremely selfish and addicted to their toys and compforts.
The moment their compforts are taken away from them, Islam will not longer be considered a weapon with which to attack the West, and will become, instead, an enemy.
Good idea (getting an answer to this question from a famous infidel). I just wrote to Brigitte and asked her to give us her answer. Coincidentally, I just bought her new book yesterday. I loved the title: They Must Be Stopped.
Citizen Warrior,
I should have thought of this sooner, but does Brigitte even know what a meme is? I hadn't heard of the term until a couple years ago. Still if she does know, I think she might have an interesting response. Thanks for letting me know.
Damien asks:
Were you corrupted by that same indifference when you saw yourself as Muslim?'
To a point, yes, as it was the given that their was an Us and Them attitude around the home. The casual derogatory terms regarding Jews, adopting the Arabic term 'Yahoodi', [spelling may be off] But I had the good fortune of having relatively lax Muslim parents and the great fortune of being raised in America, where Western values were readily available all around us and became part of us, even 'corrupting' my parents ever moreso away from Islam, though they would never have dared thought so, seeing themselves as devout Muslims.
Good thing you didn't grow up in an Islamic country or had fundamentalist parents, otherwise you might be a Jihadist today. You were lucky, that wasn't the case.
Or maybe You were lucky, Damien, ha.
I was about to add in another comment that we were lucky as well, since I just thought of that after I posted my last comment. But you commented before I could post another comment. I hope your "The Infidel" graphic novel comes out soon.
Hope so as well, thanks.
Bosch, please announce to the IBA when your graphic novel is available to purchase. I want one.
CW, I've been itchin' to make that announcement ever since the publisher [now 2 potentially] showed interest and will do so in a Pig way if it all works out as hoped. Can't wait to post that:
'The Pig Has Landed......a publisher.'
""I doubt that Islam will be around five thousand years from now.""
What do we have that is pointing to islam not being around in 5K yrs. They are breeding like flies. They are one of and maybe the fastest growing religions. Few 'good' muslims stand up against the 'bad' ones. The 'good' ones let the sharks swim in the sea. They are all waiting until they have the upper hand and then we are going to be dhimmis or dead. It seems to me that the worldwide caliphate is a point of pride for every muslim. Deep in their hearts they know allah is right and they are on the right side.
""You said, "Again, we don't have the political guts to do what it will take to stop islam." My response to that is, "Not yet. But we are making the future right now. What happens in the future depends, in part, on what you, Samenokami, do right now. There are no special people determining what's going to happen. It's just us. ""
Got any practical ideas?
I talk to people as I get the chance. Everyone in our Bible study has seen "islam - What the World Needs to Know" by R. Spencer. I've countered muslim newspaper editorials. Donated money/supplies to the troops via M. Malkin. Argued toe-to-toe with a muslim convert at work.
Explained islam as we studied Genesis in my Sun. School class. I haven't made a dent. Most people think it can never happen to them. Even women won't/don't get revved up against sharia law and they have the most to lose. Guys just have to grow a beard and bump their head on the carpet 5X a day.
""we won't do it until we are hit by a catastrophic attack like a Nuclear attack. ""
I wouldn't count on it even then. Our media refuses to show the Towers coming down. I think that should be the opening scene on every nightly news show. They will do the same w/nuke attack. As long as there is beer, baseball and football, most Americans won't care.
But then I'm an optimist.
Please calm down.
The first thing we need to do is start educating ourselves and the rest of the free world. Check out Citizen_Warrior's webpage. He has some good practical ideas for fighting Jihad.
If you really think about, with the info on how to create nuclear/chemical/biological being disseminated more and more every year, and the cost of producing such weapons coming down every year, I don't think we can stand to have Islam exist in its current form for more than 10-20 years.
The idea of it existing another 3000 years is crazy.
Think of the kinds of weapons we would have by then.
Sorry Damien, I kinda nut-up on the subject at hand. I'm not too patient when it comes to things I see that others don't see. I've seen CW as a poster but never checked his site. Yeah, that post was a little out there, I think Pastorius is influencing me that way. :)
Sameno Kami,
Oh yeah, go ahead and blame me.
I don't think you can find any record of me calling to nuke the Muslim world.
But, I do "nut up" about a lot of subjects. No doubt.
Let me repeat what I original said to SamenoKami,
Even if humanity is still around, I doubt that Islam will be around five thousand years from now.
This might not make you feel much better since we will all be dead by then, but its still a small silver lining.
I'm trying to calm him down by pointing out that they won't last forever. Their way of think hasn't been around that long. For most of human history there was no Islam. There may have been other fanatical religious ideologies that no one even remembers. Plus if the Islam wipes out the would, that means no more Islam, unless we assume aliens have adopted Islam. Can we stand to have Islam exist in its current form for the next ten to twenty years? I hope we don't have to, but unless we get serious, nothing will change. But I am not just talking the US, I'm talking at least a majority of the free world.
By the way, I don't think we will develop weapons much more powerful than Nuclear until we start living on other planets. Wiping out all humanity, including themselves to win a war would be pointless, at least to any normal person. I'm not talking about Jihadist, but its unlikely an Islamic culture will invent anything anywhere near as powerful as nuclear weapons.
Did I say we should nuke islam? I am more inclined to conventionally grind them into the ground.
I have taken my meds. At 10:30 the lites and internet service are off at the institution, so I'll check back later tomorrow.
Sameno Kami,
I apologize. I was only half-reading this thread apparently. If you did not say to nuke Mecca or something like that, then I don't understand what Damien is telling you to calm down about.
Every other option is on the table as far as I'm concerned. Islam is extremely dangerous. It hasn't changed in 1300 years, and yet weaponry has gotten more advanced. That means, their religion, which is as barbarous as the Dark Ages (which really is the origin of the Dark Ages, if you ask me) has now got the chance to fight with modern weaponry.
Dark Ages plus nuclear weapons = Not a good thing
In my opinion, we start throwing them out by enforcing our laws against sedition. If we give them the option of either the death penalty or deportation to a Sharia state of their choice, then good for them. They get to live under Sharia. And, good for us, we're done with them.
Enforce the law, see who complains and then expel those people as well.
Rinse and repeat.
That's my recommendation.
I've been consistent on this for years.
You might be right that we won't develop weapons which are even more dangerous than nukes.
But, I do believe we will develop more, and cheaper, weapons that do almost equal the damage.
Targeted shock waves, for instance.
A weapon that kills with sound? Wow, that does sound unpleasant. I think Imperial Japan tried to develop something similar during World War 2, but luckily they fail miserably. I'd search for a link, but I can't remember what the device was called. I think I heard about it on a show called Weird Weapons of World War 2.
We're actually already using targeted sound waves in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I couldn't find any articles on it today. I've seen them before.
I don't think the ones we are using have the capability of killing. But they can knock a battlefield full of terrorists to their knees in pain.
When I should have been sleeping last night, I was wondering how the U.S. deals with the KKK -- a religious organization with fanatical followers who think their group deserves the right to dominate and who are violent to people not in their group (African Americans).
And yet they are isolated and marginalized. I wonder how that is done? They must have been labeled an illegal group or something. The FBI must be trying to shut them down all the time. Their activities must be illegal.
Whatever the U.S. government law-enforcement agencies and legal system has done about the KKK, maybe they could do about Jihadis too. The government has not shut down all Christian organizations, but just the KKK.
Anyway, that's what I was wondering when I should have been sleeping...
Does anyone know the specifics of how the KKK is kept suppressed?
Another thing I was thinking about...
Along the lines of what Pastorius was saying about forcing Japan and Germany to change their ways...In the movie I Am Legend, Will Smith had to capture the sick ones and strap them down and FORCE them to take the cure. They were so wild and violent they wouldn't do it on their own.
That's one of the things Epa brought up earlier in this thread.
Search for Wikipedia's entry on the
Souther Poverty Law Center
They are a total bullshit leftist organization IN MY OPINION, but they have had great success against the KKK, which means that they deserve kudos for that.
However, the reason I don't like them is they continue to ignore the Islamic threat and act as if the KKK is the biggest problem in the U.S. today.
That's complete bullshit. And yet, they still continue to get massive donations from aging hippies.
But I digress.
The real point is they have had success by suing the KKK into submission.
Citizen Warrior,
You asked,
And yet they are isolated and marginalized. I wonder how that is done? They must have been labeled an illegal group or something. The FBI must be trying to shut them down all the time. Their activities must be illegal.
Does anyone know the specifics of how the KKK is kept suppressed?
I saw a documentary on the History Channel a while back called "The Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History," It was very interesting. The program talked about the hate group's origins and history. It answers your questions perfectly. If you can get it on video or DVD, watch it. The show will answer you questions better than I could. But one of the things that helped to marginalize the klan is the same thing we are doing right here and right now to defeat the Islamists, educating people about them, letting outsiders know how they think, their goals and their motives.
Also if you're interested they made another Program called "Nazi America: A Secret History" It was about Neo Nazis. Both programs may teach us a thing or two about how to deal with Islamic fanatics. However we have to keep in mind that just because a tactic worked against Klansmen Or Nazis, doesn't necessarily mean it will work when dealing with Islam-o-Fascists. But you could still watch either program to get some good ideas.
Thanks, Damien, those are good resources. I'll check them out. It's possible at least some of the legal actions taken against the KKK might be applicable to dealing with Jihadis within our borders.
Citizen Warrior,
Your welcome. I hope you enjoy the videos and I hope they give you some useful information. If you think those videos give us anything useful when it comes to dealing with Jihadists, maybe you could write about it on your blog.
You know I will, Damien!
Last night I was watching Terrorists Among Us for the hundredth time (perhaps I exaggerate) and saw taqiyya again, more clearly than ever. Steven Emerson interviewed Jihadis up close and personal and they lied right to his face. Emerson showed an interview clip where a Jihadi says "no, I don't know anything about that," and he immediately afterward, he showed articles or speeches by that same Jihadi calling for jihad!
And I felt this frustration, this immense frustration at how difficult Jihadis make it to defeat them. It would be so much easier for us if they were open about their intentions. How can you deal with a lying, deceiving, backstabbing, persistent, violent, determined group of people whose only mission in life is to undermine and destroy us?
We're going to have to be smarter than they are, more determined, and completely ruthless when necessary.
I used to work in a restaurant that had a rat. The rat lived in the manager's office, and one of the managers was a woman with a rat phobia. The rat must have been able to smell fear, because it kept getting bolder. It would come out during the day and scare the shit out of her. They had an exterminating company come in there and set traps, but couldn't seem to catch it.
Finally I got mad. I thought, "come on, how can it be so difficult to catch a rat!" So I searched for its hole in the wall and found it. Then I set an elaborate trap for it, and the next morning, it was dead. The manager said I was her hero. Several of the people I worked with asked me if I felt bad for killing the animal. I said no. And I meant it.
Keep in mind I'm an animal lover. When I was a kid, I raised mice, rats, and hamsters. But this particular animal needed killing. That's what I think about when I say, "completely ruthless when necessary."
You should turn that into a post.
Citizen Warrior,
Maybe Television, Radio, And the Internet are their weakness. I wonder what that one Jihadist would think if he saw "The Terrorist Among Us" and how they blew his cover. He'd probably wish that Television and Video was never invented. Its much harder to keep lying and get away with it, once most people realize your a liar.
Consider it done.
Here's a new improved version of your RPOV8:
Sharia is sedition; expel Jihadis from the country.
Eight words on the nose. No matter what else the U.S. government does, that should DEFINITELY be done. As soon as enough of us are clear that Sharia really IS sedition, I think that would be pretty easy legislation to pass.
That's a good point. Once you are clearly shown to be a liar, everything you say afterward is suspect.
By the way, Pastorius, I said, "Consider it done" to your suggestion that I post my comment as a post.
The answer to taqiyya is exposing the lies.
That's one of the things I really liked about the movie, Obsession. They showed Jihadis being interviewed by the western media, and they said one thing. Then it showed them speaking in Arabic to their own people, saying just the opposite. Taqiyya captured on film!
I think the KKK is suppressed because most people see them as idiots and avoid them. The FBI used/uses agents provocateur to goad them into stupider things and arrests them. The KKK peaked in the '40s maybe, so the philosophy is dying out, which is quite the opposite of jihaders.
I owned stock in the company that makes a directed sound thingy. I don't know if it was totally weaponized but about a year ago a cruise ship used the device to drive off pirates. The sound can be focused so that just one person in a group hears it. There was talk of singling out one jihader in a group and speaking to him in the name of allah - 'Kill those with you for they dishonor me' kinda stuff and letting him hear the 'voice of allah' and do our job for us.
"Most people see them as idiots." I like that. Most people see them as idiots or as a danger to a civil society. And that's one of my missions: To help people see Islam as a danger to civil society, a danger to democracy, and a danger to civil liberties. When enough people see them that way, the legislation is easy, and so is the willingness to be ruthless where we need to.
SamenoKami, using that sound thingy as the voice of Allah is a creative idea!
In some ways I think the ingenuity of the free world unleashed on this problem would come at it from a thousand different angles and Jihadis, with their backward ways of thinking and lack of creativity, wouldn't stand a chance against the fun-loving, rock-n-rolling, inventive democracies.
How can we turn the creative forces of the free world toward this goal? You know my answer by now.
You said: Sharia is sedition; expel Jihadis from the country.
I say: That's the best yet, in my opinion.
I'm putting that in the sidebar.
That is really good, Pastorius. It's clear, accurate, and very specific. And it's something that could actually be accomplished and that would do a lot of good.
If we think of jihad as an infection of the mind, it would be a logical choice to take someone already raging with the contagious disease and get them away from the healthy ones. And you've hit on an already established, perfectly legal, perfectly justifiable (given already-existing laws) reason to do so.
I'm still trying to get Brigitte to answer this question. I heard back from Kelly Cook, who works closely with Brigitte. This is what he said (the blog he's talking about is the IBA):
Citizen Warrior,
That is an amazing blog. The top outlay is absolutely haunting. If you have read Brigitte's latest book, you get the general idea of her answer, but I will mention this to her next time we talk. Thanks for all you do.
Kelly Cook
This is really odd, I just recieved an email telling me that someone named Whinton37 left a comment on this thread, but when I got here to respond. It wasn't here. odd.
That's because Winton called for genocide against Muslims, so I erased his dumbass comment.
Yeah, he most certainly did call for genocide and I would have told him off, had you not deleted his stupid comment. People like that do more to make us look bad than anything else.
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