Monday, September 15, 2008

Matt Damon Is A Friggin' Idiot

Apropos Matt Damon's ridiculous critique of Sarah Palin, check out this video ...


Andy Armitage said...

Am I missing something? Looks to me like Damon's got it spot on. From where I'm standing, woman looks like a raving idiot.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I don't think she's an idiot, but I don't blame you for not liking her. I can't imagine she's much for gay rights.

Andrew Sullivan turned from being a conservative to a liberal over one issue; gay marriage. During a time of war, frankly, that seems awfully self-centered.

But, life must go on. Gay people certainly ought to fight to make their voice heard.

I would like it if gay people would look at the whole spectrum of issues and see that, on the whole, Islam is much more dangerous than conservative Christianity.

But alas, many gay people want to conflate the two issues and criticize Christianity on the same level as Islam.

Fine, that is their right.

Anyway, the thing to note about Palin (and you may not agree with her on either of these issues either) is that she is staunchly pro-gun and pro-life. There are very few politicians who actually walk the walk on those issues.

And, it may be that you simply don't get this, because you are not an American.

Americans believe in the right to gun ownership. That our politicians don't believe in it is extremely distressing to us.

Our Declaration of Independence calls for us to overthrow the government if they do not protect our rights. And, our government isn't protecting our rights.

Also, it is important to note that Americans do not believe government gives us our rights, but that government is responsible to protect our rights. If government does not protect our rights, then government is illegitimate.

That is a concept lost on many people in this world, but it is entrenched in American thinking.

So, to us, people like Sarah Palin and Ronald Reagan are great people, while to the rest of the world, Palin and Reagan look stupid.

It's an American thing. It is probably very hard for people in other countries to get.

It is strange that people all over the world want to live in America, but they also want to throw out half of our ideas. One must realize that it is our ideas which make our country what it is. If you throw out the ideas (of rugged individualism, gun ownership, government which serves the people) then you have thrown out America.

Brooklyn Blood said...

Andy - your brevity on this issue is indicative of your intelligence within the spectrum of politics - zilch.

Pastorious - you bring out very good points.
I myself happen to be a Republican - I conversely can think for myself (except when my wife busts balls). I have family that is gay; I have family that had abortions (yes plural). Whether or not the aforementioned happened within my family I would still not be a homophobe, or pro-life. Whatever happens in your bedroom is your business as long as no one gets hurt, and as long as I don't share my business from the bedroom with you, I don't want you sharing it with me. I have always been, and will always be pro-choice. I feel a woman’s body is hers - however if a woman uses abortion as birth control incessantly, well I would grimace at that.
I am not a Socialist - I have served my country admirably, and have served with distinction - I am a retired police offer, and always treated the populace fairly. I believe in small government, and feel that if I have earned my money honestly, then my family opposed to others deserves the benefits of my labor. I don't believe in paying for others as it pertains to their health care, but I do believe in a social security system that benefits the hard working citizens of this great countr when they retire or are disabled.
I own guns, I own LOTS of guns. It's my hobby - I don't hunt - I target shoot. After seeing what I have through my career in the military and as a police officer I would rather buy my meat on a Styrofoam plate wrapped in Saran-Wrap like most of the country does.
I DON'T believe in God. After losing two children of mine die, and then watching crack addicts pop them out one after the other, I question n almighty existence. I believe in evolution - not creationism. I have a disabled and beautiful 14-year old son. “Special Needs” is not a new term in our home.
Do you see where I am going? Most would scrutinize my views as that of a Democrat - I believe in strength - I am Jewish - any Jew that doesn't support a Conservative party is a masochist as well as a self-hating Jew. This is not 1916 Russia.
People’s heads must be spinning at my passage - that's ok - I came from a city housing project, and I am now retired and disabled due to my service as a police officer. I know what it's like to come from nothing and work your way up - I also know people that have inherited the welfare system into their family and persist to abuse the system. I will never be rich - I will never be poor - but I will always be a citizen with faithfulness to the greatest country EVER conceived - the United States!
The elitists such as Matt Damon, Bill Maher, Garafolo, Streisand, Letterman, every cast member of The View (with the exception of Elizabeth Hasselback), and the likes are not proud of this country – because they have no idea what this country stands for nor do they connect with any one of us “little people” – they are IDIOTS!
Electing an Obama ticket would be a major mistake for anyone with any of my values listed above. A person that campaigns in Europe for the job or president of the United States shows he continuously makes poor choices – continuously!

Pastorius said...

Hi Brooklyn Blood,
I'm with you, not on every issue, but in the sense that I am, like you, a "conservative" who happens to not tow the party line.

I'm squishy on abortion, but generally I think it is a very lame way out. I'm squishy on gay marriage, but I'm certainly pro gay rights in the sense that I think they ought not be discriminated against in the job marketplace. We have gay people working for my company. I'm happy with them. I have gay people in my family. They are great. I certainly don't have a moral problem with them.

Additionally, I don't care about profanity on TV. I think cable TV and internet (being that they are choice mediums) ought to be allowed to show whatever they want to show.

Basically, it sounds like you and I both have Libertarian leanings. Although, I am not a strict Libertarian.

America, with its "Don't Tread On Me/Rugged Individualistic ethos is a Libertarian nation at heart.

Or, so I believe at this time.

Most of the arguments that divide left and right seem to revolve around which side of the political spectrum our Libertarian tendencies stop at.

That being said, there are a lot of people who really do believe in Socialism. But really, in most cases, they simply haven't really thought it through.

America just isn't socialist in its heart.

Andy Armitage said...

Brooklyn Blood, I agree with much of what you say, but your assessment of my intelligence based on one brief post beggars belief. That said, I agree with some of what you say. However, I worry that someone who believes in creationism - as we're led to believe she does - could be a heart attack away from being the most powerful person in the world. I'm not conflating the two and saying a creationist would automatically be a nutcase when it came to hovering her finger over the nuclear button or deciding to invade a sovereign state for the power, the oil or whatever, but her belief in that nutty credo would make me very suspicious of her state of mind. I know Americans are very different from us Limeys in their tolerance of religious belief and we are, it is said, a more secular country (though I think that is changing for the worse), but to me that view is nuts in the extreme. So "raving idiot" is still my view, based on that alone - take it or leave it, old chap.

Andy Armitage said...

Pastorius, I agree with you on broadining one's view on gay rights. But I do. I've declared myself gay on these comments, and do blog here as a gay man, but I don't judge someone's politics based gay rights. You'd be quite right to say I was being narrow. I might take it as an indication of that person's view on human rights, but would need to know more before I condemned the person outright. Your thinking I was coming at it from a gay-rights point of view was perfectly understandable, hence my need to put the record straight (as it were!).

And I do agree with a lot of what Brooklyn Blood has to say, in spite of his thinking me some kind of idiot.

Yes, you're right: Islam is a bigger threat than the nuttier end of Christianity, as things stand, and that's why I blog here and elsehwere on the subject. And I know how strict Muslims in power would treat gay people! (Which is why the story of the sharia courts in the UK is so frightening - blogged elsewhere on here by me and at least one other.)

Pastorius said...

You da' man.

Thanks for helping us out here.

Pastorius said...


You said: I worry that someone who believes in creationism - as we're led to believe she does ...

I say: Ah, now I see what your problem is with her. Little Green Footballs, an American blog which is very anti-Intelligent Design, says that Palin has never pushed ID, or Creationism - as a Governor or Mayor - in any policy shaping.

Look, many of us believe God created the world. So, if we believe that does it make us ID'ers, or "Creationists"?

It seems to me, perhaps, Palin is getting the MSM treatment on that subject, Andy. I think the MSM hates conservatives and Republicans. Look what the Atlantic Monthly did to McCain this week. Did he deserve that?

Look at Reuters articles on Palin's hunting, about her standing over the "cold, bloody carcass of a moose with her children."


Do you think the MSM is being fair to Palin and McCain?