Friday, September 12, 2008

Ms. Anderson, we've already seen you doing it and frankly my dear, STRICTLY AVERGAGE

FIRST Matt Damon, now Pamela Anderson has spoken out against Republican Thumbnail image for joe-horses_ass03_copy.jpgvice presidential nominee Sarah Palin saying:"I can't stand her. She can suck it!"

When asked by E! News Weekend Canada about Palin, she has some choice words for the Republican hopeful. The reporter asked Pam if she saw a recent Newsweek article, which showed a gigantic bear hide in the office of Palin's house.

"I can't stand her," Pam blurted out. "She can suck it!"
Shall we examine your judgment, sweetie?

All we can hope for is that this keeps on accelerating.

You can't make it up.

Utter derangement, all by people who think they are ENTITLED.


Anonymous said...

Pamela Anderson - yesterday's trash - stinky, ewe.

Epaminondas said...

Natasha...get it off your shoulder.

I've told you before...where women are concerned, I'll stop feeling protective if you stop have the babies. Other than that, we're dead even.

If guys like me don't exhibit the same kind of 'attitude' towards men, it's because we are NOT THAT TYPE, otherwise I guarantee you you'd be hearing the same kind of thing about an attractive guy.

I don't see a damn thing wrong with commenting on/around the irony of some moron who made a porno movie out of her honeymoon's qualification to make a political statement concerning the VP SUCKING

Pastorius said...

You must be doing pretty good in the poon dept. Pamela looks smokin' to me.

Epaminondas said...

Hey man...Mrs Epa is a former dance teacher, gymnastics instructor, yoga expert ... am I coming thru here?

However, she has one other feature that trumps everything.. she can stand me

Pastorius said...

Did I ever tell you my wife has been featured in Vogue Magazine.

It's actually true.

However, usually when I bring it up my friends say, "Yeah, you've told me 100 times."


My wife can stand me, but only in large doses. If the dosage were small, I don't think she could stand me at all, if you get my drift.