Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Undercover Mosque: The Return

The trailer:

Released yesterday, the latest from Dispatches can be viewed in its entirety is below (the total viewing time about 50 minutes in length, approximately 10 minutes per video).


Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Imm provided the following link with extensive documentation :

British Government Efforts against "Extremists" Ignores Jihad and Islamic Supremacism

Always On Watch said...

Excellent article!

Short excerpt:

It is clear that the war of ideas is being lost in the key battlefield of the United Kingdom, because the British government and its leaders refuse to acknowledge who and what the enemy ideology of Islamic supremacism is. Americans must not only learn lessons from their shortcomings for our own national security, we also must not repeat such British mistakes ourselves.

Citizen Warrior said...

This is great. What an excellent resource, AOW!

Damien said...

Always On Watch,

The free world ignores this at their peril. It said at the beginning the program the some of the views expressed on this program are shocking. Whats even more shocking is the British government tried to have them punished for revealing them.

The Islam-o-Fascists openly claim that they don't preach intolerance and hatred. Then when they are caught red handed, the say they'll stop or that they never preach hatred or intolerance in the first place.

One of the few good things I can say about Nazis or Klans Men, is that unlike Muslim hate mongers, they tend to at least ten to be open about their hatred and intolerance.

Anonymous said...

most ppl prefer to ignore this and think that if they try hard enough it will go away...

just like in WW2 its will not go away, it will grow stronger until the inevitable clash will take place

mean while the Islamic world is make fools of us all with their use of our free democracy's rights all the while ignoring all the obligation's that come with it.

Citizen Warrior said...


What are you doing about this dire future you predict?

What are you doing to prevent people from ignoring this?

Let's hear it, man! Are you a victim or an active participant in the creation of our future?

Always On Watch said...

Sometimes I feel like giving up.

But I can't.

It's as Citizen Warrior says. We mustn't let people ignore what's happening.

And what's happening in the UK is happening here in the States, too, on a quieter scale. But the Wahhabists have indeed arrive.

We must make an ideological stand and not let the Moslems steamroll over us.

Citizen Warrior said...

Exactly. Who do you think is in charge around here, Anonymous? It's just us. There are no special people anywhere making the future happen. It is a joint effort by all of us. Some of us will do nothing, and that makes it easier for the active ones to create the future they want.

Better to be one of the active ones.

Of course, if you have already been demoralized and turned pessimistic, that doesn't seem like a sensible option. But that only means your sensible option is to undemoralize yourself. We have the technology.

It's time to make war on your own pessimism. You can recover your determination and fighting spirit. Everybody's brain has a built-in negative bias, but you can do something about it.